The Era of Online Learning

4 min readJun 9, 2019


From long — term study programs to free online courses, Today online learning is greater than ever. Online programs are generally considered to be high quality, legitimate educational resources — and currently, include everything from virtual study programs imitating the classroom on campus to specialized courses with interactive learning environments.

At the beginning of your search, a good first step is to find out what kind of online educator is suitable for your style of learning and education. Non — profit online programs at universities are usually taught by the same instructors as their on-campus programs, and often follow the same timetable and curriculum.

From traditional four — year colleges to fully online vocational schools, today’s college offers a wide range of student opportunities. Online program students can efficiently manage their time, learn the material and perform tasks according to their own schedule, to name a few advantages.

The required course work is similar between traditional and online courses, with students taking examinations, documents, presentations, tests and projects in any format.

There are many reasons why online programs have become a popular form of distance education in higher education. Asynchronous communication through online conferencing programs enables professional juggling, family, and learning to participate in classroom discussions.

As educators are converting their courses to get the most out of the online format, they need to think about their course goals and learning styles. Asynchronous online education allows students to control their learning experiences and allow them to adapt their study programs to non — traditional learners, but it does put more responsibility on the student.

To be successful in participating in an online program, the student needs to be well organized, motivated and have a high level of time management ability to keep pace.

In general, course material and lectures are delivered online for full duration programs. Most online educational programs involve a certain number of self-study programs, but a truly independent e-learning program is one in which there are no fixed starting and ending dates or deadlines for homework.

Students who wish to have flexibility in online teaching, but who need external forces to keep them on course with assignments should consider e-learning programs. As in the case of personal courses, instructors are available for answering questions, but rather than meeting with a teacher after the lesson or during certain hours of work, both students and teachers have the convenience of communicating by email or video.

Digital educational programs use various online media to conduct courses such as animations, interviews, presentations, and texts.

For Example,

The online Learning program offered by Methodist University enables qualified students to complete their courses in traditional classrooms with online courses. The Online courses at the University of Methodist take advantage of the internet, email, thread discussions and chat rooms around the World to promote a meaningful exchange of ideas for teachers and students. Students who follow the e-Learning courses at the Methodist University are required to meet regular deadlines during the semester, take part in online classroom classes many times a week and maintain contact with professors and classmates. In contrast to independent courses, such programs require constant participation and interaction by all participants.

Moocs students often have the opportunity to obtain a certificate after completion of a course or a number of courses, but grades are more difficult to obtain. As such, many local universities offer a number of online courses, but it is less common to find schools with fully online study programs. Students wishing to obtain a bachelor’s degree in a community college may need to complete online studies with hybrid or personalized courses.

Skillshare, Udemy, Treehouse, ilearnthis, and Codecademy, which are famous for their online encoding courses, are designed to allow students to practice what they have learned in their web browser after reading a class or watching a set of instructional videos.

Online education and online browsing would require a traditional login process followed by a user’s login page, but now that browsers are available on mobile phones, tablets, and laptops, online classes are not limited to desktop computers, the classes are set to all kinds of devices. Downloading notes, online support, interaction on the internet, repetition videos and evaluations and quizzes at any time during the course will help professionals to learn faster and better. Online education is undoubtedly a huge cost — saving factor for organizations and individuals, as only online certification courses are expensive compared to free online courses.

