Analyzing 4 Different Versions of the Evil Stepmother

I’m qualified because I played her in a 4th grade Cinderella musical

Ilhaan M.
8 min readAug 13, 2021
4 evil stepmothers: the evil queen from snow white, the evil step mothers from both Cinderella movies, and Meredith Blake from the Parent Trap
Edited By Author / Images Via Disney

The evil stepmother is a caricature we are all familiar with.

Typically these characters are depicted with two specific traits, envy and a need to be unnecessarily cruel towards their stepchildren, and this cruelty is often directed towards their stepdaughters.

Wicked stepmothers have been prevalent in not only our modern-day films but in centuries-old fairy tales and they even trace back as far as Greek mythology.

Today, I want to analyze different variations of the evil stepmother from 4 different films.

  • The evil queen from 1937’s Snow White
  • The evil stepmother from 1954’s Cinderella
  • Meredith blake from the 1998 version of the Parent Trap
  • Cate Blanchett's take on the evil stepmother in 2015’s live-action Cinderella.

Then I’ll rank them on a scale of 0 to 5 poison apples, 0 being the least evil, and 5 being the most.

The Evil Queen - Snow White

I often forget that the evil queen is actually snow white’s stepmother and that’s most likely because she doesn’t even attempt…



Ilhaan M.

a perpetually confused college student with a love for education, film, and reading. check out my video essays: