The misunderstood meaning of Federal Republic and potential benefits for Iran

Ilia Teimouri PhD
5 min readJan 21, 2023


Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

Iran possesses a rich cultural heritage and a diverse population. Additionally, the nation is endowed with abundant natural resources, including oil and natural gas, which have the potential to support a robust and thriving economy. In order to fully realise the potential of the country, it may be beneficial to consider the adoption of a federal republic system, similar to those of the Swiss Confederation, Germany or the United States of America.

Distributing power between the central government and provinces while centralising matters of national importance.

The Federal Republic form of government serves as a viable solution for nations that boast a diverse population and where the implementation of a unitary system is not feasible and/or might be prone to corruption. This system of governance promotes the principles of local self-government, regional autonomy, and national unity. Furthermore, the federal government distributes power between the central government and the states or provinces, thereby providing cultural and administrative autonomy to the different regions, while centralising matters of national importance such as defence, foreign affairs, and communication. In the case of Iran, a federal republic system could be used to balance the power between the central government and its various provinces.

The division of powers in Iran could serve to alleviate the responsibilities of the central government, enabling it to concentrate on matters of paramount national significance. Concurrently, the grant of autonomy to provinces or regions results in a more streamlined administration of these jurisdictions.

Role of the local governments and councils

In a federal government system, the constituent provinces, regions, or states would possess distinct rights and would possess their own separate cabinets and legislative bodies (Similar to the UK’s devolution). Local governments would also have distinct rights and could be administered by councils that are elected by the citizenry. The holding of elections for these provincial legislative bodies and local governments will tend to elicit a high degree of public engagement and interest in the administration of these entities.

Strength through unification

It is a well-established fact that the strength and prestige of the 50 states of the United States of America in the international arena is a direct result of their adherence to the principles of the American Federation. This principle holds true for other nations as well. For instance, the Indian princely states, through their integration into the Indian Union, have gained a position of prestige in the international community. The same can be said for countries such as Switzerland and Brazil, which have achieved notable standing in the international arena through their commitment to unity and federation. Iran is no different.

Unified defence

A federal republic offers a distinct advantage to smaller sovereign states, as it allows for a collective defence posture and the establishment of diplomatic relations with other nations, thus mitigating the significant financial burden that would otherwise be incurred by independent action. The unified defence posture also results in a reduction of defence expenditure for the individual states. This is evident in the example of the United States of America, where the individual states would be unable to defend themselves independently. In the case of Iran, it is particularly noteworthy that Iranians, regardless of race and ethnicity, take pride in being part of a unified Iranian state. This sentiment is evident throughout the long history of Iran.

Abolish dictatorship and prevent corruption

As of now, the concentration of power in the hands of the Supreme Leader, who is not directly elected and holds significant control over the other branches of the government, has led to a theocratic dictatorship and corruption. The separation of powers between state and federal governments could prevent dictatorship and corruption by avoiding the concentration of power in a single entity.

Sense of unity through the lens of diversity

It is respectfully submitted that in nations, such as Iran, where there exists a wide range of cultural, religious, linguistic, and ethnic diversity, as well as a significant territorial expanse, the implementation of a unitary form of government would not be appropriate. In such circumstances, a federal republic system of government would be the most viable option, as it allows for the recognition and autonomy of individual provinces, thereby fostering a sense of unity within diversity.

Local competitive economies to expedite growth

A federal republic government plays a crucial role in promoting economic and cultural progress. In a federation, the central government is responsible for managing a wide range of shared responsibilities, which allows the states to conserve resources and reduce expenditures [1]. Furthermore, the establishment of a federation promotes inter-state commerce and industry. It also ensures regular access to necessities in areas where they are scarce. A federation also enhances a country’s economic resources and enables it to effectively respond to natural disasters such as droughts and famines. Additionally, it allows for the formulation of sound economic policies and the construction of large infrastructure projects, such as dams, energy plants and industries, to promote prosperity. (See also this for a more global vision).

The implementation of a federal republic government system in Iran could promote economic competition among its member states. This competition is facilitated by the autonomy granted to each state to create and implement their own economic policies. As a result, this system of government promotes the development of diverse and dynamic economies within the country, ultimately resulting in a positive impact on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country.

Attract foreign investments through diverse economic policies

Furthermore, the decentralised economic power structure of a federal republic government serves as an attractive feature to foreign investors. The ability to invest in different regions within the country, each with their own unique economic environment and policies, provides a multitude of opportunities for businesses. This, in turn, can lead to an increase in foreign investment within the country. The competition among states or provinces in a federal republic system also encourages the development of innovative economic policies and best practices. These can be adopted by other states or provinces and even implemented at the federal level, further contributing to the overall economic growth of the country.

Denaturalisation of population and prevention of resource exhaustion

The establishment of a federal republic in Iran may aid in the decentralisation of the population, thereby promoting a more equitable distribution of resources and demographics. Furthermore, the autonomy of individual provinces or regions to implement their own policies and regulations pertaining to matters such as urban development, environmental preservation, and resource utilisation may serve to mitigate issues of overpopulation and pollution in urban centres, as well as the depletion of resources in concentrated areas.

The misunderstanding

It is about working together to promote the advancement of the entire nation.

In summary, the adoption of a federal republic system of government in Iran is not about separationism or working in isolation and/or in completely autonomous states. Instead, in contrast to the common belief of many Iranians, it is about respecting diversity, utilising natural resources effectively, fostering a competitive economy, and working together to promote the advancement of the entire nation under one flag.



