4 min readAug 3, 2018


The blistering rise of the blockchain industry across the world is not without its own fair share of hype. Almost every blockchain startup you find is making big promises to disrupt, decentralize and make their target niches greater than they were ever before. With such hype, it is understandable why large sways of investors have grown skeptical to the ability of many ICOs delivering on their promises.

At iLink2Music, we are not just another ICO blowing hot air, making promises without knowing if we could actually deliver. The iLink2Music team is made up of experts with great reputations in business and various tech industries. iLink2Music is a product of years of diligent research, market behavior studies, and careful technology crafting to ensure success at its first attempt to revolutionize the music social media space.

Once fully deployed, iLink2Music will reinvent and revolutionize the music entertainment social media industry. Some of these reasons include:

✓ Power To The Creators: There is a popular saying in the current social media world: if the service is free, then you most certainly are the product. This is the core operational behavior of all social media platforms in the world today. You get the illusion that you are being offered free service to connect with your friends, while in reality, you are the content creator with which the social media platform will not even exist without. For all the content that users generate, they never see a cent in revenue from the hundreds of billions of dollars generated from selling their data. iLink2Music is not only going to turn the tables upside down, it is a platform that is purposely built to empower all users, especially those with talent to market. Your content can be the ticket to realizing your life’s dreams and iLink2Music is the ideal platform that will make that content mean something and earn you some real money and fame while at it.

✓ Transparency: Remember when Facebook was caught with its hand in the cookie jar with some of the most embarrassing breaches in user privacy that led to congressional hearings and hefty fines in some countries? Well, that is never going to happen on the iLink2Music platform as there is no cover-up or opaque practices in the first place. We are powered by the blockchain technology and what this means for users, content creators and influencers alike is that all transactions from the smallest to the biggest are made completely open to being tracked and verified by anyone with access to a computer/mobile device with an internet connection. We believe that cover-ups are exactly the opposite of what social media is supposed to be made of, and as we strive to empower everyone on our platform, we will make accountability to all our members a primary responsibility.

✓ You Are Never Too Small: The greatest oceans can begin with a few drops of water, and the biggest stars often start from the humblest of beginnings. The present social media platforms are only ideal for the bigwigs and those with “connections’. With such a huge divide, a select number of people are given the majority of the limelight while millions go unnoticed because they don’t have the thousands of likes or followers. On iLink2Music we offer people of all talents equal and level playing ground to attain their goals and reach their audience. Not only is our platform tailored to give you the chance of finding a global audience for your talent, we also offer you the unique opportunity to meet some of the greats who will mentor you, as well as participate in huge competitions that could all but make your carrier skyrocket. Your talent is precious to us and to the world, so we will help you deliver it everywhere.

Gone are the days of social media abuse of the privacy of sensitive personal information. Gone are the days where your talent dies a lonely death when it should be appreciated and shared all over the world. iLink2Music is far beyond another ICO. It is a movement to take back what is rightfully yours and to make it work for you. We have the vision, the technology and the kick-ass team to execute. Welcome to a new era of social media and music entertainment engagement.

Want to help? Spread the word and follow us on social media!
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/ilink2music
Twitter | https://twitter.com/ilink2music
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/ilink2music/

Quick Links
- Whitepaper: https://ilink2music.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/iLink2Music-WhitePaper-Final-V1-1.pdf
- Roadmap: https://ilink2music.co/?#roadmap
- Web: https://ilink2music.co/
- Dashboard: https://dashboard.ilink2music.co/
- Email: support@ilink2music.co


ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4759293.0

Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4759342.0

Airdrop: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4800435.




https://ilink2music.co/ Emerging tailor-made Music Entertainment Social Media Platform Powered By BlockChain, uniting Artists, Executives & Music Lovers