Get Shit Done Summit 2016

Illicit Mind
2 min readFeb 13, 2017


After a year of hosting 25+ events we capped of Illicit Mind 2016 with a successful Get Shit Done Summit on Saturday, November 5th!

This was a very special day for us and everyone in attendance because we were able to gather a crowd of 150+ people who were innovators, change makers, hustlers, entrepreneurs, techies and much more. They came together with the goal of sharing their stories, learning from one another and getting a boost of energy to finish off 2016 strong. This was a summit for hustlers, by hustlers and a movement that has just began.

​Look out for Get Shit Done 2017 in DC and Chicago! Email if you want to bring this magical event to your city.

Behind every dream is a TEAM!​ I’m so grateful for these people. They kept me sane all the way through hosting the Get Shit Done Summit as well as most of the Illicit Mind events this year. Hence a very special and huge thank you!

Row 1: Pedro , Illicit Mind’s CFO ; Truth, Spring 2017 Illicit Mind Fellow ; Georgie-Ann, Illicit Mind Founder and CEO ; Tasha, cofounder of Benchmark creative group ; Tiffa, Benchmark Creative Group Intern ; Tiffany, Cofounder of Benchmark Creative Group. Row 2: Ranfy, Illicit Mind volunteer ; Rajeeyah, Illicit Mind Volunteer ; Christoff, Illicit Mind Operations Associate ; John, Illicit Mind Board member & Co-director of Technology

What went down?

10am-1pm Welcome // Keynote // iHustle panel // GirlBoss Panel
1:40pm-5:30pm Rewiring the Future with IoT // Workshop Sessions // Dance Party // A Celebration of Failure // Let’s Talk Mula // Inclusion & Diversity Fireside Chat
5:30pm-6:30pm Last Panel of the Day ! Do Good Sh!T

Check out all the action that happened on twitter with #GSK2k16



Illicit Mind

Illicit Mind is a tribe for entrepreneurs to gain experiences, knowledge and connections. Helping you successfully navigate the entrepreneurial ecosystem.