Windows vs iOS vs Android: Which Platform is best to Choose?

Android vs iOS vs Windows mobile app development war can never end-up. The question “which platform is better to start with?” is still unanswered. Start-ups are increasing day by day but facing many challenges with new technologies. Either they don’t have the sufficient budget, resources or lacking a good knowledge of these technologies.

To overcome such challenges, I have written this blog which will give you the pros and cons of major technologies. This would help businesses to find the best platform to start with. Here, we will discuss three platforms- Android, iOS and Windows Phone. These are popular among a large number of people due to its apps reach, monetization possibilities, market competition and more.

Android vs iOS vs Windows mobile app development war will never end-up. The question “which platform is better to start with?” continues to be unanswered. Start-ups are increasing day by day however facing several challenges with new technologies. Either they do not have the decent budget, resources or lacking a good data of these technologies.
To overcome such challenges, I have written this journal which can provide you with the pros and cons of major technologies. this could facilitate businesses to find the best platform to start with. Here, we’ll discuss 3 platforms- android, iOS and Windows Phone. These are popular among a large range of people due to its apps reach, monetization possibilities, market competition and additional.
Here is the list:
- iOS Development

We will discuss some major pros(in detail) and cons of iOS apps here.


1) Less code

Apple devices involve less code to develop as compared to other two platforms. By using Swift or Objective-C language, you can easily develop your first mobile app just by writing few lines of code.

2) Better e-commerce results

iOS is definitely the best option if you want your app to be your mobile commerce tool. In fact, making an app for e-commerce makes money and which is in the hand of iOS users.

3) High app revenue

As compared to android and windows devices, Apple devices are most expensive. So, their users need to spend more money for tools and related services. In fact, selling apps is more profitable on iOS which can never change in coming time. If your target audience is based in developed countries with higher per capita income or urban areas, targeting iOS users is a good idea. You can expect them to be willing to pay for your application since they spend more on applications than Android users.

4) Fewer Bugs

It is one of the huge advantages of iOS apps. Since, less number of devices, running on iOS, use the new version of it so it is easier to develop an iOS application with as little bugs as possible. Another reason for fewer bugs is the strict development guidelines. However, writing less code in order to develop your app brings the less possible amount of bugs.

5) Better developing tools

Apple provides its app developers with better tools. It is because they timely bring new upgrades to their tools and which is also free. For many developers, Apple’s emulators are faster, tools are firmer and commitment to developers is way bigger.

6) Dedicated user base

If we talk about iOS users then they are very dedicated ones and more engaged ones. This is because they don’t install apps just to test them and switch to another but they carefully choose their valuable apps and stay with them for long period. It all depends upon on the user’s needs, unique user experience and especially great design of the app.


1) Market share is low.
2) Longer review process

- Android App Development

We will discuss some major pros(in detail) and cons of Android apps here.


1) Higher ad revenue

In high revenue generation, Android has already overtaken the iOS and Windows. However, Android users don’t spend money on apps as compared to iOS users but there are many other ways of using which they are monetizing apps and displaying ads is one such way.

2) Fewer requirements for development

Android has fewer requirements for development as compared to iOS and Windows apps. You just only need to have a PC or Laptop with you along with good knowledge of Java programming language. You can further use Google’s IDE Android Studio in order to build amazing Android apps. However, there are many other development tools, a great thanks to Android developer’s community around the world.

3) Big market share

It is one of its biggest advantages which help in reaching the more potential customers. Due to its global reach of 82.8%, it consists of largest audience. Google is shaping up to be the biggest player in the operating system market for mobile devices, and starting its first mobile application on its platform will give it more users worldwide.

4) Faster review

It takes less time to feature an Android app to the app store due to simple guidelines and review systems of Google Play. So, it only takes two or three days to get the application installed on the Google play while it takes weeks for iOS applications.

5) Variety of devices

When it comes to Android devices, these are available with variable screen sizes and prices in the market. Due to the presence of a number of different devices, you will not be bounded to a specific group of users. In fact, a large number of different people will become able to install your mobile app.

6) Cheaper to feature apps on Google play

Android apps take less time to get featured on the Google play store. So it is faster to publish your first mobile app in the store. Along with this, it is also cheaper too. It only takes $25 to feature Android apps as compared to iOS apps which take $99 a year to feature them. It is a small budget, especially for independent app developers.


1) More potential bugs
2) Fragmentation
3) More expensive

- Windows phone development

We will discuss some major pros(in detail) and cons of Windows apps here.


1) Committed users

Windows phone users don’t complain about the app’s performance as iOS or Android users usually do. Instead, they complain about good mobile apps and WP versions of well-known ones. Addressing those users is easier for two reasons.

The first is that they are very committed and active users once they find a good application. And the second is really simple: there are fewer applications in the Windows Store, therefore, it is easier to market an application there.
Moreover, these users are more willing to download gaming apps and prefer apps under the Utilities & Tools category.

2) Multiplatform

All devices that use Microsoft software are more like a platform and the same user experience for all users which is more important than individual market shares. The tactic, Piggybacking, can be a good reason to develop the Windows Phone or Windows application.

3) Widely used in B2B industries

Today, many companies across the world are using Microsoft devices and software for their everyday work. So, if your developed application is meant for B2B industries and they use devices running on Windows or Windows Phone then it is a good sign for you to develop apps for them. SAAS is a perfect example of it as it is becoming more common among companies that deliver software compatible with PCs and mobile devices.

4) Growing market share

Windows phones are not dead yet in some countries. In countries like France, Germany, and Australia, Windows smartphones OS sales shares grew last year. However, its market share is low as compared to Android and iPhones.


1) Marginal market share

Now the question is “Which platform should be used to develop your first mobile app?”. Since Windows Phones don’t carry as much importance as iPhones and Android devices, so here we will talk about two platforms i.e. Android and iOS.

When to choose iOS platform first?

iOS is best to start with if you want to sell apps. There are some more reasons listed below:
- It carries fewer bugs.
- The target audience focussed on the design.
- The audience is mostly from developed and urban countries.
- When you want to develop faster apps.

When to choose Android platform first?

Developing Android apps first can be a good idea for the following reasons:
- When you want to broaden your user range.
- When you have good knowledge of Java.
- When you want to monetize the app displaying ads.
- When you want to reach wider demographics.

Wrapping Up:

So far, you are now become more clear about which platform to choose for building your first app. In fact, a lot of things depends on your plans such as the application’s purpose, the audience you want to reach and the problem-solving. When you become able to figure out these, the answer will surely come.

However, if you find any difficulty with mobile app development, then don’t worry anymore. We have a proficient team of mobile app developers who have successfully delivered more than 640 apps to 120+ clients across 20+ countries. We are a leading mobile app development company in India & USA engaged in providing feature packed, secure and scalable mobile apps across all business verticals.
Feel free to Contact Us!
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Appzure - IOS/Android app development

Appzure is one of the leading iOS & Android mobile app development company in India & USA. We provide iOS, Android, Windows and hybrid app development services.