Gene keys — as I explore them

Aurora Borealis
7 min readJul 19, 2023


I wanted to make a small blog, as I noticed the stories exploring Gene Key profiles are not widely out here in the world, or at least as much as other types of profiles like astrological birth charts or Human Design. I could write all of this in my own journal but I feel inclined to try sharing it, maybe it goes unread and merely is a creation for my own amusement, maybe it’ll reach someone who finds it beneficial. Either way, I’ll stick to two rules, and two rules only: 1. This blog needs to be as authentic and hopefully as raw as I dare, with errors in writing and thinking and all. If it has a seductive undertone of an exposé of my soul for me, I’m doing it right. 2. This needs to be fun, if I stop having fun writing these then what’s the point.

I started my journey with the Gene keys about two months ago, strictly speaking I actually manifested it in my life but I’ll save that story for another time. I’ve been exploring other ways of conceptualising myself. I had gone through a rather frustrating time with astrology. As a non-believer I had decided to give it a proper go, as I deeply believe my bad attitude might not be justified, if I truly got to know it. I was half-right. It provided some good thinking prompts and I’m happy I approached it with an open mind, but overall, it seemed to be kind of wrong. Like an ill-fitting dress you really want to like because you saw someone else look amazing in it.

Gene keys on the other hand resonated on a level I didn’t realise existed. I won’t give a whole introduction to the keys but the basics are simple. Maybe you already know there’s three levels for each gene key: Shadow, Gift and Siddhi, representing how each key has the potential to evolve. The shadow level has a repressive and reactive side, you might resonate with either or both, but most importantly realise they have the same origin. Every shadow contains a Gift, something wonderful denoting your unique talents in this life. The siddhi is more of a higher consciousness state, it’s wonderful to know where you could be heading, but for simplicity let’s just focus on the first two.

Here it is. My whole profile. I feel weirdly exposed.

I’ll start from the recent history, but the rest of this blog will be more present day contemplations. My starting point of the Genius sequence, the keys of Life’s work 61 and Evolution 62 was a wild story that unfolded before I ever met my profile. The description of what the shadow levels are, what the Gifts are that come out from the darkness were so accurate comparing it to my journal entries from the past month it felt eerie. Mind you, the gene keys are written in a poetic language, they’re not a concise list of facts, rules or boxes, but rather descriptions of the feel and essence of each key. So these descriptions to turn out to be almost exactly the same as my journal scribbles was a little astonishing to me, and I think the main argument for my doubting mind that I should keep looking into this.

Wanted art on this blog but I cannot art. Gave an AI a task to give me ‘the essence of a great finale of a symphony’, as this is the Siddhi of 61 described both in the Gene keys and my personal journal, before I had ever read about it
Wanted art on this blog but I cannot art. Gave an AI a task to give me ‘the essence of great finale of a symphony’, as this is the Siddhi of 61 described both in the Gene keys and an experience entry in my personal journal, before I had ever heard of the keys

Sphere 61 goes from Psychosis to Inspiration to Sanctity. It’s programming partner 62 evolves from Intellect, Precision to Impeccability. What did this mean to me? As someone with a psychology degree (although I lean to the neuroscience side of things) I found the word psychosis amusing. It refers simply to the consciousness state most of us in this world are, the mass psychosis of believing this small life is all there is. The repressive side of this shadow is to feel disenchanted with life (hello! me!). I’ve had existential problems since I was 11. You know what doesn’t make you a popular kid. Trying to talk to your friends about the fact all we do in this life is a meaningless rat race and why would anybody choose to stay alive. I went with deeply depressing thoughts for two decades, wondering why the hell most people do not acknowledge it. Why is no one asking the big Why. For two decades I tried to find true reasons to be alive, but unfortunately even as an adult you’re not fun at parties if you bring up such topics. It’s not that I haven’t been happy at all, but life has had very little lustre, no magic in it, and I was getting somewhat desperate. The whole ‘being alive versus living’.

On the other side, the shadow could come out as fanatical (often religious) declarations you’ve got The One Truth. I don’t really have this side, I actually often have felt deep unease about anyone who claims such things. Even now that I funnily enough have a strong belief system of the Universe, I don’t think I have The Truth. I merely have a perspective, it’s maybe my truth, and some people will resonate with it, but for others it’s simply not doing much. That’s more than fine, we’re different for a reason and different views resonate with us. No need to fight about it. We can all be in this beautiful paradox were everyone is wrong — and right.

The shadow of 62 is Intellect, which I did not find amusing. As growing up with science as my familial and educational background, facts and intellect have been my muse and lover for a long time. The whole left-brain oriented, masculine, yang-thinking space has been my safety. And had I not already had the experience of seeing this shadow transformed in me, I might have side-eyed this shadow when I first got to know my profile. But recently, I had admitted a problem: science runs very limited. Especially in the field of psychology, the facts are not as sturdy as presented. There are so many gaps, so very many oversimplifications and shaky interpretations drawn. Correlation is not causation. This was actually sharpened into our brains during my university years, but yet the reality how much of the research is done (and especially how it’s presented in the news) leaves much to be desired. I love science, especially the new directions of integrating knowledge from different fields, but it does not stand as The Truth either.

I much enjoyed the description of this shadow as The Stupidity of Being Clever. The repressive nature of this shadow is obsessiveness, getting lost in the details and being swallowed by your collection of facts. The reactive nature is pedantic, where one uses intellect to attack in order to defend their insecurity. Basically, being abusive through language. Neither of the shadows are a particularly pretty look, but check and check. I’m embarrassed to admit my sharp tongue and sometimes rather clever insults made me even prideful (mostly because I didn’t realise I’m the insecure one in such conversations). But abuse is abuse, even if it’s done in creative language, using your talent to hurt someone should not be a source of pride. Intellect is not intelligence, and even more so, it isn’t wisdom.

The Gifts of 61 and 62 started to rise both at the same time for me, which makes sense as they are programming partners. As my big ‘Why?’ questions of the universe started to lose their hold (and it didn’t happen using my beloved mind) I was opened up a whole new realm of perspective. It’s not easy to put into words how it all happened. It involves a mild psychedelic trip where I was shown what happens after death (pro tip: a definite death is an illusion. This body, this identity, will die, but as a whole death is just a part of a cycle, and a beautiful one at that). I had found similar things during my existential explorations from books but for the first time, I knew. I embodied it. I saw it. I felt it. It had nothing to do with all the facts I had collected. After the trip, a series of other events in mediations and through others that were describing the same vague existential experiences, I suddenly understood what they were talking about and my view solidified. I’ve started to fully lean into the right-brain, yin, feminine way of existing and especially focusing on intuition and listening. The facts and intellect get to stay, but they are lead from the heart now. The 62nd Gift of Precision means your words have the ability the hold a great resonance and influence, if placed carefully. I know I have the potential for this, even if I haven’t quite reached it. The 61st Gift is that of Inspiration. The deeply creative states, that in their purest form ripple out to inspire others. Reminds me of the words of Toni Cade Bambara, “the role of the artist is to make the revolution irresistible’. The swirls (or I’d better say whirlpools) of creativity are definitely making their way in me, in such an intensity I’m often confused and amazed how did such energy ever get contained. The Shadows do truly block your energy and potential in this life.

I don’t know what to do with much of this yet, but most importantly, I’m enjoying the hell out of it. I even think this might be the start of something truly transformational.



Aurora Borealis

Another adventure of consciousness, life and the magic it brings