How “Illuminates Platform”solves e-commerce problems

Illuminates Official
3 min readAug 22, 2019


Everyone who follows the news of the “Illuminates Platform” knows that one of the main business solutions of the platform will be the implementation of a full-fledged marketplace. Let’s look at a specific example of what problems sellers face on the popular marketplaces and how it can be solved with “Illuminates”.

The most common e-commerce problems:

High competition. One of the key problems of E-commerce sellers is the vigorous market competition. Seller Jack cannot sell original products due to the fact that other users on the marketplace sell cheap counterfeit goods or lower-quality similar products. Since Jack’s product and counterfeit look identical, and buyers are not used to wasting time looking for differences between high-quality and low-quality goods — priority is given to the cheap option in most cases. On the Illuminates Platform, reputation is important. Receiving low-quality goods, users will sent bad reviews that will affect the seller’s reputation. Thus, Jack with good reviews for high-quality goods will have a higher rating and customer loyalty among other sellers.

Fake reviews. User’s rating and reputation will largely determine the success of sales, but how to behave in a cases when competitors leave bad reviews intentionally? Moreover, many buyers give biased reviews, which also significantly drops rating. The lack of support from the marketplace and dozen ordered “black reviews” lead to the stores lose its rating and close as a result. How can seller Jack be protected in this case. On “Illuminates Platform” only those users who really purchased the product can send a review. Moreover, if the seller is confident that the product is of high quality and the review is unfair, he can order an Oracle check. If the Oracle establishes the fact that the negative review is written intentionally and in case of factual discrepancies , such a review will not affect the reputation.

Buyer fraud. The seller Jack sent the goods to the buyer, who at first glance was pleased with the purchase. But ultimately, the buyer opened a dispute that product is low-quality and it requires the delivery return and a refund. Jack accepted to these terms, since his is careful about his reliable seller reputation. Nevertheless, despite the fulfil the conditions, the buyer wrote a bad review on Jack’s store page, which affects the rating immediately. Over time, Jack found out that the goods were returned to the wrong address and even more by postal service not specializing in such deliveries. Realizing that the buyer is a fraud, Jack tried to open a dispute, but the administration of the marketplace declined the request and performed a refund from the seller’s wallet. Ultimately, Jack lost money for the product, delivery and also received a bad review for his store. On the “Illuminates Platform” it will be possible to check such users-scammers and to give them a bad rating in systematic violations.

High commission for store creating. Many E-commerce sellers hesitate to create their own store on popular marketplaces because of high commissions. Besides low fees for using “Illuminates Platform” marketplace the retailers like John have the ability of creating product cards for free.

By registering on Illuminates platform, John gets every opportunity to conduct an honest business without fraud and on profitable terms for him (without high fees). He could decide which currency he will use — fiat, crypto or both. Using marketplace SaaS solution he could easily create his own ecommerce store. Reputation obtained on Illuminates platform could be used on every website that based on Relatefacts technology.



Illuminates Official

Illuminates is a crypto-crowdfunding platform that specializes in developing and promoting startups since 2011, and since 2017 — ICO projects.