Meet the Team — Oleksandr Danylenko

Illuminates Official
3 min readApr 30, 2019


Hello dear Illuminates community! Last week we introduced you CTO of “Illuminates — Nick. Today we want to tell about one of the most talented, interesting team member — Oleksandr Danylenko. We can say that Alexander is a real blockchain fanatic.

Hi, Alex! Nice to meet another member of the “Illuminates” team. Tell me please about your work in this company. What are your main responsibilities?

Nice to meet you too! So, at “Illuminates”, I work as a lead blockchain engineer. My main responsibilities are: development of smart contracts for various ICO, DEX, ITO and for its own platform; architecture development of “Illuminates Platform”; development of integrated solutions for various applications on the blockchain; RelateFacts Technology development.

How long have you been working in programming? What are you interested in this area? What is your main motivation?

About 4 years before joining “Illuminates”, I worked in software development with C ++, C #, Pytho. The blockchain technology is of the greatest interest to me, because the future is behind it and I want to contribute to the development of the blockchain system. The main motivator for me — the speed of development. I am constantly in the race for this technology, because every day there are more and more new solutions.

How did the idea of RelateFacts come about? It is your own idea, or you have an inspirer?

RelateFacts Technology — it is not my personal creation. The team’s inspiration is the CEO, Vladimir Malyshkin. Without exaggeration I can say that his contribution can be compared with the contribution of the whole team.

What is unique in RelateFacts Technology in your opinion? What technical features can be distinguished?

This technology is unique and at the same time it is not. Everything is simple — many parts have long been known to all and tested in work. We are the first who decided to put everything together and make it work harmoniously in one system.

What real problems can be solved by RelateFacts Technology?

First of all — the need to prove the experience, which is the eternal problem for recruiters / company owners / investors who are looking for new employees, new projects for investment and so on. Everyone will know about you and no one at the same time, because users will be identified by the hash code. This hash code will be publicly available and you can always check what this person was doing at the platform, whether it was involved in various scam projects. But knowing this hash — you will not know who this person is in the real world. It turns out that everyone knows about you, but at the same time nobody. If a person owns your personal data — only in this case he will be able to get the same hash from it, and only then connect your platform experience with your real person.

What problems did you faced in the process of technology development?

The main problem — the lack of time. The potential of technology is enormous. A lot of ideas were born during the discussions and many of them were postponed for the future, because we just don’t have enough time for everything.

What is your predictions of the future “Illuminates Platform” development?

I believe in the success of the platform, since the main ideas are intended to make all actions as transparent as possible and safe at the same time in terms of protection of personal data.

Sounds positive! Ok, tell me what do you like to do besides work? What are your hobbies?

Fishing! I love to get out on the lake and just go fishing. The gym is in the second place, because the physical activity is important too.

Great! I think you are absolutely right! And the last question — what advice can you give to novice developers? How to start? What qualities a professional blockchain developer should have in your opinion?

For novice developers, I have only one advice — develop and do not stand still. A prerequisite for success is the desire to discover something new for yourself and learn is the most important thing. Technology does not stand still, and to be successful, you must constantly explore all the innovations.



Illuminates Official

Illuminates is a crypto-crowdfunding platform that specializes in developing and promoting startups since 2011, and since 2017 — ICO projects.