Good employee retention strategies are crucial to keep your best talent from leaving.

3 min readOct 9, 2019


Managing for Employee retention involves strategic actions to keep employees motivated and focused so they elect to remain employed and fully productive for the benefit of the organization. A comprehensive employee retention program can play a vital role in both attracting and retaining key employees, as well as in reducing turnover and its related costs. All of these contribute to an organization’s productivity and overall business performance.

Retention of productive employees is a major concern of HR professionals and business executives. It is more efficient to retain a quality employee than to recruit, train and orient a replacement employee of the same quality.

These findings below are based on the ten million office interviews of Gallup and must be the foundation for a comprehensive overhaul of our strategy to management. Profits on the First Element often associate with productivity gains of tens of thousands of customers, five to 10 percent and injuries.

Element 2: Ensuring employees have the equipment and materials they need to do their work. Managers with quartile Element scores average employee attrition that is 20 to 40 percent higher representing tens of thousands of dollars in earnings costs that are indirect and direct.

Element 3: Matching the individual to the right job.

He’s his weaknesses, he’s his talents. And the better a manager might assist him to use and recognize his talents, the more effective he’ll be. Benefits that are concrete are created by A strategy based on talents. A workgroup was likely to make as one above-average results. The latest research study found associations focused on optimizing the natural talents of their staff increased participation levels by an average of 33% per year, equating to an average net profit of $5.4 million in earnings per organization over the ventures using more conventional methods.

What do you do best? What do you like about your job? high performing teams had 5.6 times more positive than negative comments, were inquiring, and achieved a balance between comments about themselves and comments about others. Due to its power, ridiculously cost-effective and rarity, the Fourth Element is among the greatest lost opportunities in the corporate world today. In high earnings companies, workgroups in the lowest quarter of the someone at job cares about me statement average 22 percent higher earnings than their top-quartile counterparts. A mere 1 percent of those who’ve no mentor has been able to achieve real commitment with their employer throughout the strength of the other 11 elements.

On the other hand, two-thirds of employees who report having someone at a job who encourages the development are classified as engaged, while one 3rd aren’t engaged and less than 1% are actively disengaged. Almost 50% of employees who say the opinion counts at work also feel the current job brings out the most creative ideas. Among those who’re neutral or negative on the Seventh Element, only 8 percent feel their creativity is well employed. Enhancing the proportion of employees with high Seventh Element scores from you in five to you in 3 has a considerable impact on the client experience, productivity, worker retention, and safety, all of which create, on average, a 6 percent profit in profitability. Second and equally strong, that the idea comes from the employees themselves makes it much more likely they’ll be committed to its execution.

Losing an employee can have a drastic effect on team morale, and result in a domino effect that leads to poor performance and productivity. Not to mention, it is expensive, and not just because of lost talent. It takes an average of 24 days to fill a job, costing employers up to $4,000 per hire — maybe more, depending on your industry. The good news is that only about a quarter of employees that leave do so within their first year. This means you have plenty of time to assess flight risks and address them.




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