Orphism: A Journey into the Mystical Beliefs of Ancient Greece

Lev Ilmer
4 min readAug 1, 2023


From near Edessa, AD 194

Orphism was an ancient Greek movement believed to have been founded by the mythical poet Orpheus. It is often referred to as a mystery religion similar to the Eleusinian or Dionysian Mysteries, however we have so far failed to find any institutions akin to what Plato had established.

Orphic Cosmogony and Mythology

Orphism provided a unique understanding of the universe’s origins. The Orphic Hymns, a collection of pre-Hellenistic religious songs, weave an intricate cosmogony where Time (Chronos) and Necessity (Ananke) exist as primordial entities, birthing everything else in existence. Chronos gave rise to the upper sky (Aether) and the abyss (Chaos). From an egg born from these elements, the first god, Phanes, emerged.

Jacob Bryant’s Orphic Egg (1774) with Ananke

Phanes, a deity embodying light and procreation, later became synonymous with the Olympian god Dionysus. The narratives of Dionysus form a pivotal part of Orphic mythology. His story — one of brutal dismemberment by the Titans, followed by a rebirth from the ashes — served as an allegorical representation of the cyclical journey of life, death, and rebirth that underscored the Orphic worldview. This cyclical perspective of existence played a crucial role in shaping the ethos of the Orphic tradition, offering its followers a spiritual pathway to navigate the challenges of mortal life.


Soteriology and the Orphic Afterlife

In contrast to the conventional Greek beliefs that offered little promise of an afterlife, Orphism promised a form of salvation through a process known as metempsychosis, or the transmigration of souls. Followers of Orphism believed that the soul was divine and immortal, trapped in the mortal body as a form of punishment for a primordial sin.

Upon death, the soul would journey through a series of reincarnations in both human and animal forms, with each cycle aimed at purifying the soul from its original sin. Orphics adhered to a strict ethical code, including abstaining from eating meat and committing violent acts, in the hopes of breaking this cycle of rebirth and achieving a blissful existence in the afterlife.

The Shade of Teiresias appearing to Odysseus in Hades, by Johann Heinrich Füssli, 1780–1785

The Orphic Gold Tablets: Messages to the Afterlife

One of the most intriguing aspects of Orphism is the discovery of the Orphic Gold Tablets, small inscribed pieces of thin gold foil found in ancient Greek and Italian graves. These tablets, dating from the 5th century BC to the 2nd century AD, offer a fascinating glimpse into the Orphic view of the afterlife.

The texts inscribed on these tablets serve as instructions or guides for the deceased as they navigate the underworld. They often describe the journey of the soul through the afterlife, advising the deceased to choose the path of the virtuous upon reaching the fork in the road in Hades, the realm of the dead.

One tablet, discovered in a burial in Thessaly, Greece, contains the following inscription:

You will find to the left of the House of Hades a spring, and by it stands a white cypress. Do not approach this spring at all. You will find another, from the Lake of Memory, cold water flowing forth, and there are guardians before it. Say, ‘I am a child of Earth and starry Heaven; But my race is heavenly; and this you know yourselves. But I am parched with thirst and I perish. Give me quickly the cold water flowing forth from the Lake of Memory.’

This text reveals the Orphic belief in a life beyond death and hints at the complex ritual practices that Orphics followed to ensure a favorable journey through the underworld. It also emphasizes the strong moral component of Orphism, where ethical living and purity are seen as prerequisites for a good afterlife.

Orphic tablet from Thessaly containing instructions for the underworld, 4th century BCE


In its cosmogonic myths, esoteric rituals, and profound doctrines of the soul, Orphism offers a rich and intriguing perspective on ancient Greek religious thought. The enigmatic Gold Tablets add another layer of mystery and allure to this tradition. In studying Orphism, we not only deepen our understanding of the ancient world but also shed light on the eternal human quest for meaning and transcendence.

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