Self-love in Business (Check List of 28 Points)

Ilona B. Schukina
3 min readSep 17, 2023


Problems in business — the essence of not loving oneself.

Loving oneself in business differs from not loving oneself by the reaction to stress and problems. A person who doesn’t love themselves starts adapting to problems, making them the new norm in their work.

Systematically compromising your interests in business creates a situation where it becomes impossible to breathe, you don’t want to come to the office, you want to distance yourself.

Sometimes the thought of leaving everything and starting anew arises. But alas, the cart with personal hell follows you closely, and by escaping from problems, you’ll simply repeat them in a new place. You’ll abandon the value you’ve built instead of evolving it.

There’s only one way out. Change your approach. Change the situation. Restore love for your work. And set a new standard of results that will affirm this love.

Self-love in business means not adapting to current stress, not making it an integral part of your work, but perceiving it as an area of transformation from “undesirable” to pleasant.

The checklist for self-love in business:

1. Sharing what you don’t like while in business relationships.

2. The ability to notice progress.

3. Not accepting stress as an inherent part of business life but as something that requires transformation into something enjoyable.

4. Self-love means not adapting to the undesirable in business.

5. Someone who loves themselves knows they can handle what they couldn’t before because they trust themselves, others, and the business world.

6. Letting go of those without prospects in business.

7. Doing what comes easily in business. Easy is what aligns with your authenticity.

8. Attributing results to yourself in business for what comes easily but is valuable to others.

9. Self-love in business involves attention to detail, high precision in your work.

10. Allowing yourself to openly express aggression outward in business.

11. Influencing the outcome in business. Feeling the connection between your actions, money, and key performance indicators.

12. Systematically improving the product in business, finely honing the details without perfection limits.

13. When every task in business sparks excitement and curiosity to solve it, not stress and the desire to eat ice cream in the bathtub.

14. The ability to form strong partnerships in business. Working with people who excel in their competence and whom you admire.

15. When you love yourself and your work, you’re free from it. The result in business isn’t a consequence of your 24/7 office presence. It’s built from the accumulated value of the product for clients and the implemented system.

16. Celebrating small successes in business, valuing intermediate results, enjoying the process of change rather than criticizing yourself for not meeting the highest possible ideal.

17. Doing what comes easily to you but is valuable to clients in business.

18. When the team is inspired by the business idea, and money in business is merely the correct outcome of value manifested in the world.

19. Increasing the right profit in business while improving quality indicators.

20. Acting from inspiration, joy, and enthusiasm in business, not anxiety.

21. Having the courage to embrace any possible development in business, not just playing games you always win.

22. Expanding the zone of joy in business rather than leaving the comfort zone.

23. When there’s no expectation of results in business, only joy and surprise from significant figures in the account, which are a bonus for creating value for people based on your authenticity.

24. When you enjoy working in business because you understand why.

25. When you perceive your work in business and its results as a training ground to shed your inadequacies to realize your true self.

26. When there’s no heaviness in business, and your work is not a burden. Instead, it becomes a resource of ease and a higher state.

27. When your work in business is a bright spot of joy in your life, and this level of love, freedom, and pleasure inevitably spreads to all areas. If it’s good here in business, why should it be worse elsewhere? My work in business is my happiness benchmark in everything, a trampoline to a happy life.

28. When you feel good today in business, and today you do what brings you pleasure

Thanks for reading and I would love to hear your feedback!

Truly yours,

Ilona B. Schukina

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Ilona B. Schukina

Building tech unicorns. Nothing is impossible. Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.