How To Lose Body Fat: The Medical Way

Abdulrazak Isa
4 min readJun 18, 2022


It’s not simply that having a lot of body fat makes it difficult to fit into your jeans. According to the American Heart Association, excessive amounts are linked to major health risks such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even some types of cancer. But what’s the most effective strategy to reduce your body fat to a healthy level? Click here to get the remedy.

Trying to shed body fat might be difficult at times. The best tools for getting slimmer, on the other hand, are simple and accessible to anybody. Here’s why some of us gain weight in the first place, as well as the most efficient strategies to get rid of it for good.

Result obtained from medical diagnosis
How to Lose Body Fat: Medical Remedy

The Truth About Body Fat

Before we get into the best strategies to lose weight, it’s important to understand how we gain fat in the first place — and what our bodies do with it. Basically, fat storage occurs when our bodies take more calories than they require.

Our bodies release the hormone insulin when we eat. Insulin aids the body’s cells in absorbing glucose — or blood sugar — and fatty acids from food for use as energy, according to Jaime Harper, MD, a board-certified obesity medicine physician. Any calories that aren’t needed for energy are stored in our fat cells for later use.

Fat storage is an evolutionary strategy that helped our forefathers endure famines: when there was little food available, the body could keep powered by burning fat deposits. When we expend more energy than we take in, we still burn fat in the same way.

“The body’s hormonal state signals to fat cells to release some fat for energy when we haven’t eaten in a few hours or begin to exercise,” says Georgie Fear, RD, CSSD, author of Lean Habits for Lifelong Weight Loss.

Enzymes degrade stored fat into fatty acids and other components, which are then released from the cell and taken up by other cells for energy production. Water and carbon dioxide are released from the body when fatty acids are burned, and they leave through our urine, sweat, and breath. This results in a loss of body fat — and pounds — over time.

Losing Fat vs. Losing Weight

The majority of people claim they want to lose weight, but what they really mean is they want to lose fat. Water, muscle, bones, and fat make up the body’s entire weight, according to Dr. Harper. Fat is the squishy substance that lies beneath the skin’s surface and causes your jeans to feel snug. It’s also what raises your chance of significant health problems, particularly if fat builds up around your internal organs.

The truth is that there are techniques to reduce weight that do not necessitate a significant reduction in body fat. Sweating excessively, for example, can result in water weight loss of several pounds.

“But it’s only a matter of fluid weight. Fat loss and weight loss aren’t the same things in this scenario “Anis Rehman, MD, associate program director of the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine’s Endocrine Fellowship, agrees.

As soon as you replace the lost fluids, your weight will return to its normal level. However, you must shed body fat in order to become leaner and improve your health.

What Is a Healthy Body Fat Percentage?

Every person’s body is unique, and factors such as age, hormones, and genetics all influence how much body fat you have and how simple or difficult it is to lose weight. Men have lower body fat levels than women, while athletes have lower body fat levels than non-athletes.

How to Get Rid of Body Fat

Let’s look at what you can do to get slimmer now that we’ve explored where body fat comes from and how much you should have. Losing body fat can be difficult, but the methods available to help you do it aren’t all that complicated. In a nutshell, what’s going on? It all boils down to consuming fewer calories and increasing physical activity.

“Diets with a lower calorie density, such as those rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat, have been demonstrated to be equally successful for weight loss and to have fewer dangers than low-carb diets.”

What Is a Healthy Body Fat Percentage?

Every person’s body is unique, and factors such as age, hormones, and genetics all influence how much body fat you have and how simple or difficult it is to lose weight. Men have lower body fat levels than women, while athletes have lower body fat levels than non-athletes.

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How to Get Rid of Body Fat
Let’s look at what you can do to get slimmer now that we’ve explored where body fat comes from and how much you should have. Losing body fat can be difficult, but the methods available to help you do it aren’t all that complicated. In a nutshell, what’s going on? It all boils down to consuming fewer calories and increasing physical activity.

“Diets with a lower calorie density, such as those rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat, have been demonstrated to be equally successful for weight loss and to have fewer dangers than low-carb diets.”

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