Levels of Obesity and Their Measure to Eliminate Obesity

ILS Hospitals Bariatric Care
4 min readOct 17, 2017


Obesity has several levels, based on the measure of BMI (Body Mass Index). Get alarmed with different level of Obesity before it becomes too late for a weight loss surgery.

Most people know Obesity as a term used for the people who are obsessed with food, as if like they live-to eat. Whereas, in medical terms Obesity stands for the people who are over weighted, for instance who are extremely over weighted.

The increase in demand for weight loss surgery in India is the proof that the population of obese people is increasing day by day. “Bariatric surgeries are in huge demand. This is an indicator of the rising obesity and diabetes cases. There is a vast difference in the number of cases from five years ago,” said Om Tantia, consultant bariatric and metabolic surgeon, ILS Hospital here.

Well, there is a method called BMI (Body Mass Index) as through which one can know if they are obese. The image given below is the chart stating various levels of weight.

There are six levels to measure your body mass/weight, they are explained below:

1. Underweight: It comprises a BMI of 18.5 and below. People who are commonly known as skinny with a BMI of up to 18.5 or below will be considered as under weighted. It may be due to an undeveloped body, malnutrition, irregular and improper food habits, etc.
Measures: A proper diet with adequate supplements and a schedules routine with proper sleep.

2. Healthy Weight: As the term suggests, the person coming under this category is said to be a healthy person. A healthy body can be based on many factors for instance, a person who has a lower tendency of growth may never gain weight and stick to the healthy zone and a person who strictly follows a healthy routine and diet.
Measure: Maintain the balance of diet and physical exercise and lead a scheduled lifestyle. Add Meditation of at least 10mins to your regular schedule.

3. Overweight: Even here also, the term suggests its meaning. A person who has a BMI within 25–29.9 is said to be an over weighted person. Unhealthy food habit and misguided or irregular routine lead a person gain weight above a healthy zone. Sometimes, excessive stress and fatigue and consumption of cigarette and alcohol can also lead to increase weight.
Measures: Maintain a healthy and balanced diet with a proper physical workout. Add meditation to the regular schedule to stay away from stress and fatigue.

4. Obese: Commonly, Obese is used for the people who are little more than just fat. Clinically, Obese refers to the person whose BMI come within 30–34.9. It is a condition where one should start worrying about their health. If you are obese, then you may be prone to many other health issues such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, breathing disorders and so forth.
Measure: Consult a Bariatric specialist and follow what they suggest. It will mostly include a balanced diet routine and adequate physical exercise with or without a bit of medication.

5. Severely Obese: It is a level higher than only just Obese. Here, a person is seriously over weighted to which no one can deny. The person may have already started inhabiting various diseases mentioned in the above level. The body nearly weighs around 97–115 kgs. It could even happen due to gene or thyroid.
Measures: Visit a doctor as soon as possible, they might suggest you a proper diet. Exercise, oral medication and might also recommend a bariatric surgery.

6. Morbidly Obese: Traditionally, BMI of 40 or more define a person to be morbidly obese, though the current Indian definition is a BMI of 37.5 or more. A person with a BMI with and above 37.5 is known to be morbidly obese. It is the last stage where a person is affected with high blood pressure, diabetes, and hypertension or sleep apnea. Here, the body accumulates fat to a level that threatens life.
Measure: Visit a Doctor as soon as you recognize it, it may not be possible for a person at this stage to reduce weight through dieting and exercise. Here, the patient may have to go for a bariatric or a weight loss surgery.

No one is going to ask you to leave your favorite food until unless you are in the safe zone. Get in touch with the expertise at ILS Bariatric Care and get checked, before your weight arrives at weight loss surgery.



ILS Hospitals Bariatric Care

Bariatric Care is a unit of ILS Hospitals which is dedicated entirely to provide long-term relief from obesity.