How the Right Level Of EQ Could Help Individuals Assess What They Are Capable Cf!

Sunil Raina
3 min readNov 8, 2019


Have you ever noticed that some people are more successful in their professional and personal life? It may be because of their high emotional intelligence. EI is the ability, to influence own and others’ emotions. If your emotional intelligence isn’t in hand, then it might be hard for you to manage a lot of things which include relationships management, as you don’t have empathy. Not only this, it will be hard for the individual to focus on his self-awareness and management. If an individual doesn’t possess high EI, then no matter how smart he/she is, he’s not going that far and EI is something that brings out the inner capabilities of a person and is the reason for the person’s excellence.

EI affects how an individual manages the things surrounding him. However, EI is something that is intangible in each of us. Our navigation to social complexities, personal decision making, behavior management, and the rest of the things are highly affected by it. It’s made up of four domains, however, it further adds to two main primary competencies and that includes social competence and personal competence.

Social Competence:

Social competence is compiled with your relationship management skills and social awareness. It is the ability for understanding other people’s moods their behaviors and how to respond to them in a positive way. It helps the individual to improve their relationships and social awareness.

Relationship Management: For managing the interactions with complete ease and successfully, it is imperative for you to have a strong grip on relationship management. And it is only possible with the ability to understand others and own emotions.

Social Awareness: The ability to understand other’s emotions and respond according to it helps you to successfully drive relationships and it is only possible with social awareness.

Personal Competence:

Your self-management skills and self-awareness compile together to form personal competence. The core focus of it is to manage the interactions made with other people in a successful way. It helps you to stay aware of your emotions and manage them with great ease.

Here’s how EQ supersedes IQ:

There was a time when IQ was considered as the primary determinant of success. After some time, people realized then not only IQ is important for success in life, but the knowledge of human abilities is too important. Hence, the concept of emotional intelligence arises. It is true that such people with higher IQ perform better at school, but IQ doesn’t play any role in controlling out the stress that they have to face during the finals. It’s EI that builds up the whole personality of the individual and makes him distinct. If one can’t control his emotions, then he can’t focus on the other things which further ruin his personality, relationships, and the rest surrounding him. The importance of EI has grown to such an extent that now even businesses utilize it during their hiring procedures. The candidate with higher EI is given preference over those with lower EI.

By mastering EI, one can bring out the inner capabilities and can be successful in both personal and professional life. And now, with ILUMENOW, it is extremely easy to achieve. With over 3 decades of experience, we have the right amount of expertise to bring out the best in you. With the help of our highly advanced cloud platform solution, you can leverage EQ over IQ. Let emotional intelligence contribute to your organizations and experience a great rocket-boom in its success!

