Hydrogen Fusion Reactor Blueprints

Eli G.
2 min readFeb 22, 2019

Hydrogen Fusion Reactor

The Hydrogen Fusion Reactor will use fusion power to create a plasma which could be harnessed for energy. The Fusion Reactor will Consist of a water chamber where water will be stored, a 7 layer circle(s) that will create a highly confined environment with a high temperature and pressure, a Vacuum Chamber where a low-pressure environment occurs (Via a vacuum pump or vacuum of space). There will also be a Plasma storage container where plasma could be stored and kept under high temperature and pressure.

The Hydrogen fusion reactor will use fusion power to transition water from its liquid form into its plasma form. The Water that is stored in the water chamber will get compressed with a high temperature and pressure created by flowing thru the 7 layer circle(s). The 7 layer circle(s) make up a pattern creating several holes which are so tiny that water gets compressed into plasma while flowing thru it. The holes created by the 7 layer circle(s) are so tiny that water will not flow thru them unless a low-pressure environment within the Vacuum chamber is created. The Vacuum chamber will create a low-pressure environment within the chamber which will cause the water inside the water chamber to be pulled thru the 7 layer circle(s) into the Vacuum chamber and in the process transition from liquid form into plasma form. Finally, when water enters the vacuum chamber in its plasma form it will flow thru the plasma outlet into a plasma storage container and kept under high temperature and pressure for later use. The plasma could be used to power technology and weaponry and could be a cleaner solution for the environment.

