Deadly Ghost Experience!!!

5 min readAug 4, 2022


Do you believe in ghosts? Well, I do. I believe that if there is an invisible strong positive force or energy or God around us which is above all of us, then similarly there are negative energies i.e. ghosts too.

Well, 7 or 8 years ago my friends and I were on our way to a friend’s reception at night in a different state. It was a one-hour trip from our hotel to the reception place and another one hour from reception place to return to hotel. Thanks to my friend, who decided to use these splendid hours to discuss about all the ghosts on earth. When we returned to hotel, I couldn’t sleep because of the fear of ghosts. I didn’t let anyone sleep. We were awake until the sun rose. Post wedding, we returned to our homes, but I also carried the fear along with me back home. Since then, I was too scared to sleep alone and be on my own during the daytime too. I never let wardrobe doors opened because I always remember that scary wardrobe scene from the conjuring movie. If I must work late at night, I only work until my sibling is awake, else bye-bye to work :P. This phobia continued for two years.

Guess what? After two years I really encountered ghosts or evil spirits or whatever one wants to name them. Well, one night my friend and I decided to go shopping at night in a buzzing location far away from my home. Strangely, there was no power in the entire place. We were walking in every street without having any idea about which street we were walking. Well, I saw an unwell street dog running past through my friend but felt strange because my friend didn’t notice nor bothered about it. After few steps, I felt my bag had become so heavy and I couldn’t hold my bag. I just wished I could throw my bag aside or gave it off to my friend. I started feeling something was not right and started experiencing strange things. I saw something white flying in the air. I told myself that I was just assuming things. It was already 9.30 in the night and I decided to go home but I was not getting any cabs and our phones were not working. That was when the panic set in.

Luckily, an empty autorickshaw just passed by me and agreed to drop me home. I sat in the auto but kept looking back with a feeling that someone was following me. All through my ride I kept my bag very close to me. When we had travelled for half way, my teeth started chattering and I was shivering, while the driver was normal. I asked the driver if he was feeling cold and he replied he was not feeling cold at all. Somehow I reached home and just lied down on the bed. By the time I reached home, my fear had become true, someone had followed me. I was haunted by evil spirits, not one but my whole body was controlled by 3 unknown and invisible evil spirits — a dog, a woman and a man. I breathed like a dog. I don’t have a great voice to sing and I haven’t learnt singing but I hummed a tune very beautifully and that was the woman spirit. When it was the man’s turn, I felt a very powerful and different aura around me. My body was a guest house to all the uninvited evil spirits who were partying without my consent and without letting me talk. A very talkative person like me was put on mute by invisible evil spirits.

When my parents felt I was acting bit strange, I couldn’t convey them that I was being haunted and I needed help. I could not communicate because my whole body and my mouth were controlled by someone else whom I could not see at all but could feel them within me. My parents realized that I was being attacked by spirits and it was too late in the night to get any help. All they did was speaking to a well-known priest and started chanting prayers for me. They made me sit in the god’s room. The spirits in me were trying to scare my parents and my sibling from continuing with their prayers. As the prayers started, two spirits bid me adieu (just some humour) and left my body while the woman spirit loved me too much and decided to party for a bit longer. I was totally exhausted with her nuisance and I thought I would never recover. The only parts which belonged to me were my brains and my mind. The rest were under the control of the woman’s spirit. It was a near death experience. Eventually, the woman spirit left my body and I was set free. I could finally speak and told my family what had happened to me. The next day, I was told that I was attached by ghosts on the new moon day, the day which is very favourable to all ghosts for their fun and party.

It’s a miracle that I survived from the deadly ghost experience. Surprisingly, not only the evil spirits said goodbye to me, but along with them my phobia of ghosts. I had reached normal state of my mind after living in the phobia for two years. This entire incident made me realize that I should let go of fears which are holding me back. A fear of childhood trauma, fear of the past, fear of losing people, fear of breakup, fear of loving someone deeply more than myself, fear of losing job, fear of losing money etc etc etc. We live only once and most of the time we live in fear.

By the way, I didn’t explain why I felt like throwing my bag. There was a god’s photo in one of the pockets and I was induced with severe shoulder and hand pain so that I wanted to throw my bag but my intuitions strongly convinced me that whatever happened I should not discard my bag until I reached home.

Same day morning I had told my mom that God do not exist and by end of the day I realized both God and Ghost exists.




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