Learning HTML

Imaan Niaz
2 min readJun 14, 2023

What is HTML?

HTML stands for hyper text markup language. HTML is often used for creating web pages. It describes how a document should be shown on the internet. HTML is a programming language. HTML is a great language to start off on your journey to programming! HTML can be easy for new beginners, but also has a lot to learn about.

How does it work?

HTML works by using basic text editor on a computer. HTML has markups, tags, etc.

How can I learn HTML?

HTML can often be learned online, in-person classes, boot camp, videos online, etc. HTML can be coded on notepad, komodo edit, sublime text, and atoms.

Basics to HTML:

When writing on a document for HTML the format usually looks similar to this:



<title>This is the title of my html document</title>



<h1>This is a large heading</h1>

<p>This is the first paragraph.</p>

<b><p>This is the second paragraph, which will be displayed in bold.</p></b>



HTML has many colors, fonts, and sizes for the document. A way to start off with HTML could be making a website about yourself!

Here is a video to help get a better understanding on HTML and the position is holds in the real world.

What is HTML?

This is an example of a web page. I first made this last year over the summer when I had just finished a web page class during the school year. This image clearly shows the fonts, image, and at the bottom I also added a video I found on YouTube of sounds I find soothing. With the knowledge I have gained from programming in other languages, I can enhance this page more if I wanted to!



Imaan Niaz

high school student! Always interested in learning more:)