30 Days, 30 Maps

30-Day Map Challenge 2022

Muhammad Azhar
8 min readDec 8, 2022


In this article, I will share my 30-Day Map Challenge contributions.

For those who are unfamiliar with the challenge, it is a 30-day challenge to create a map every day. The challenge’s goal is to improve map-making skills and inspire creativity. I hope you enjoy following along on my journey and, perhaps, even participating in the challenge next year yourself!

Day 1: Points

👉 Interactive Map Here.

This map aims to provide insight into the frequency and severity of bike collisions in the city. By hovering over each point on the map, you can see detailed information about the collision, including the date and time, and the type of collision.

Day 02: Line

This map showcases the extensive network of railways that crisscross the country, connecting major cities and towns. The map also includes markers for the major railway stations, allowing users to easily identify the different connections and destinations.

This was the first map that I created in QGIS.

Day 03: Polygons

This map of London highlights the city’s parks and golf courses. Using OpenStreetMap data. Created using ggplot.

👉 Code

Day 04: Green

A world map displaying data on life expectancy. On this map, you will see the average life expectancy for each country, represented by the green color. The darker the color, the higher the life expectancy. By hovering over each country, you can see the exact life expectancy figure.

👉 Interactive Map

Day 05: Ukraine

This map showcases the major ports in Ukraine and their locations along the country’s coastline. I went for military-inspired map design.

👉 Interactive Map

Day 06: Network

This map shows the subway network in Staten Island (not much of a network though). While making this map, I learned how to make custom subway station markers. You can find the R code below.

👉 Code.

Day 07: Raster

This map visualizes the topography of Austria and represents the elevation changes across the country.

👉 Code

Day 08: OpenStreetMap

Map of Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. It showcases the layout of the city.

👉 Code

Day 09: Space

The night sky in Islamabad!

This map depicts the beautiful constellations and celestial bodies visible in the city’s skies.

Day 10: A Bad Map

I consider this a bad map as it is in Urdu, making it less accessible to a global audience. The map shows the disputed areas in Asia.

Created this in Tableau.

👉 Interactive map

Day 11: Red

Here’s another map of Islamabad.

👉 Code

Day 12: Scale

Map of Karachi, Pakistan. Karachi is a bustling metropolis and the largest city in the country, with a population of over 21 million people.

👉 Interactive Map

Day 13:

A world map showcasing all the rivers in the world.

The map is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the world’s river systems and highlight the interconnectedness of these important natural resources. Each river is represented by a colored line.

This map was featured by the Data Visualization Society.

Tool Used: QGIS

Day 14: Hexagons

An interactive hexagon map of the United States, showcasing the fundraising and spending of 117th Congress members.

Each hexagon represents a state, and the color of the hexagon represents the total amount of money raised by Congress members from that state.

By hovering over a hexagon, you can see the breakdown of fundraising and spending by political parties.

You can explore the data by clicking on the interactive map link below.

👉 Interactive Map

Day 15: Food

This map provides a unique look at the global availability of food and the potential for food insecurity in different regions.

The data used to create this map was collected from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and represents the average daily supply of calories available for consumption per person.

👉 Interactive Map

Day 16: Minimal

A map of radio stations in the United States. Each circle represents a specific genre of radio stations, and the size of the circle represents the total number of radio stations in that genre.

The interactive version of this map offers more details about the radio stations.

👉 Interactive map

Day 17: A map without Computer

I’m not much of an artist, particularly when it comes to drawing. Here’s an attempt at mapping my neighborhood.

Day 18: Blue

Bathymetry map of the coastline of Pakistan!

This map depicts the intricate details of this region’s underwater topography. This map provides a unique and fascinating look at the underwater landscape, from the shallow waters near the shore to the deep depths of the ocean.

👉 Code

Day 19:

This map represents the locations where meteorites have fallen to Earth over the years.

👉 Code

Day 20: “My Favorite” hiking trail.

My favorite hiking trail in Islamabad is trail 3. It is located in the Margalla Hills National Park and offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding mountains.

The trail originates from Margalla Road and winds its way through the lush green forests of the national park.

👉 Interactive map

Day 21: Kontur Population

This map shows the distribution of the population.

👉 Read more about Kontur Population

👉 Code

Day 22:

The map below shows the location of NULL Island, located at the coordinates 0° latitude and 0° longitude in the Atlantic Ocean. It is often used as a reference point for mapping and navigation.

👉 Code

Day 23: Movement

The world map below shows the major shipping lanes that connect major ports around the globe. These shipping lanes are vital for the global economy, as they allow for the transportation of goods and resources from one part of the world to another.

Tools used: QGIS

👉 High-Resolution Image.

Day 24: Fantasy

The map below showcases the various regions and landmarks that make up this fantastical realm of Middle Earth.

You can explore the interactive map and discover the many wonders and dangers that await you. 😉

👉 Interactive Map

Day 25: Two Colors

👉 Code and HD Images

Day 26: Islands

The Solomon Islands is located in the South Pacific Ocean. The country consists of six major islands, including Guadalcanal, Malaita, Choiseul, Santa Isabel, New Georgia, and the Santa Cruz Islands. The capital city of Honiara is located on the island of Guadalcanal.

👉 Code and HD Images

Day 27: Music

The map of the United States shows a racial breakdown of musicians in the country. The colors on the map represent the race of musicians in each state such as white, black, Latino/Hispanic, Asian, and other races.

👉 Interactive Map

Day 28: 3D

The 3D map of Gilgit valley showcases the stunning landscape of the region. It features the towering peaks of the Karakoram mountain range and the winding Indus river.

👉 Code and HD Images

Day 29: Out of my Comfort zone

I tried rayshder for the first time and I was impressed with its capabilities. The ability to customize lighting and materials allows for a high level of realism in the scenes.

I followed along with a tutorial to create this scene.

👉 Code and HD Images

Day 30: Remix

On day 30, I decided to focus on my favorite hiking trail and reimagine the map from day 20.

👉 Interactive map


Thank you for joining me on this journey through the 30-day map challenge!

I hope you have enjoyed seeing my work and have been inspired to create your maps. If you enjoyed my work, please consider following me on Twitter or Instagram to keep up with my future projects and challenges.

I can’t wait to share more of my work with you in the future!



Muhammad Azhar

BI Consultant | Tableau Ambassador. I write about data analysis, data visualization, and BI Reporting.