Understanding Request And Response Model: A General Overview

Akash Sharma
3 min readJul 2, 2023


The request and response model plays a vital role in almost every client server network architecture. It enables the seamless exchange of data or information between client and servers. Understanding the anatomy and flow of a request and response is crucial for web developers, network administrators, and anyone involved in web communication.

What is a HTTP Request/Response model?

In a nutshell, The request-response model defines a communication pattern where a client sends a request to a server, and the server responds with a corresponding response.

How Does a Request/Response model works?

There are various number of steps performed between a request sent by a client and response received. Let’s have a general understanding of that flow…

Diagram of Request Response Cycle
  1. Client Sends a request:
  • The client (usually a web browser or an application) initiates the communication by sending an HTTP request to a specific URL or endpoint on the server.
  • The request includes the HTTP method (such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) that indicates the desired action to be performed on the server, along with additional headers and sometimes a message body containing data.

2. Server Parses the request:

  • When the server receives a request from client, It needs to parse the request to understand the desired action needs to be performed. The request parsing step has many task to do (like extracting the request method, request Headers, determining start and end of a request, etc.)

3. Server processes the request:

  • After parsing the request, Server knows the required action to perform, That action may performing various operations, such as retrieving data from a database, processing the data, or generating a response dynamically.

4. Server sends the response:

  • After processing the request, the server formulates an appropriate response and sends it back to the client. The response includes the necessary information, such as status codes, headers, and a response body containing data or resources.

5. Client parses the response and uses it:

  • Upon receiving the response, the client parses and processes it based on the provided status codes, headers, and message body. The client then utilizes the response to display results on a web page or perform further actions as needed.

Where Request/Response Model is used ?

The request-response model finds application in various network protocols and systems where clients and servers interact to exchange information. It is commonly used in APIs, network communications (e.g., SMTP), SSH, and other communication protocols.

Anatomy Of Request

Format of a HTTP Request

# Request Line (GET, POST, ....)
# Request Headers (User Agent, Host, etc.)
# An empty line indicating the end of Header fields
# Optional Message body
  • HTTP Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more
  • Request Headers: Metadata providing additional information about the request
  • Request Body: Data sent by the client (GET HTTP verb doesn’t have a body)

Anatomy of Response

Format of HTTP Response

# Status Line
# Response Headers (Additional info about response)
# An empty line indicating the end of Header fields
# Optional Message body
  • Status Codes: Indicate the outcome of the request (e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found).
  • Response Headers: Additional information that accompanies the response.
  • Response Body: Data returned by the server (e.g., HTML, JSON).


In summary, the request and response model forms the backbone of modern web communication, enabling seamless data exchange between clients and servers. By understanding the anatomy and flow of requests and responses, professionals can design, develop, and troubleshoot web systems effectively.

