How Will The Metaverse Impact UX Designers?

Iman El Sayed
3 min readDec 27, 2021


The next big thing

I was on a roll watching everything metaverse on YouTube. Why? Ask the algorithm, but I guess if tech, UX, and crypto consume 50% of my interests, I’m bound to get at least a few metaverse-related videos. In case you were wondering (you probably were not), the other 50% include off-grid living, van life, instrumentals, some astrology, plant-based cooking, and true crime. I guess I confuse the algorithm as much as it confuses me.

About the Metaverse

To spare you the google searches, the metaverse is the internet but upgraded to 3D. Or as everyone calls it Web 3.0. It’s a fusion of the real world and the virtual one, a “seamless” fusion that aims to change our daily lives, from the way we connect to the way we work, study, travel, etc. Ultimately, the vision is that we’ll be able to be anywhere we want and create our reality the way we want.

I guess the concept of the metaverse appeared as a byproduct of blockchain technology and NFTs, it’s considered to be “open source” and “decentralized”. Meaning, there can and will be, not only one metaverse but a multitude of them; also known as the multiverse! Although the idea of a VR environment, especially when it comes to gaming is nothing new, with Fortnite being a pioneer in the field, the concept of a decentralized metaverse is seen as a novelty. With an emphasis on building these environments independently of any private entity, users will be able to create their own reality and connect. The metaverse should also be “open source” to allow the community active involvement in its further growth and evolution.

Where UX designers make the difference

With a multiverse boom on the way, it will be up to users to determine which metaverse will live to host the VR/AR/MR dream and which one will remain deserted. So it is without a doubt that “experience” will be the “make it or break it” factor for these new platforms.

There has been a lot of discussion around the transformation of UX roles in the future and I think it will be impacted by the metaverse. Sure, we’ll have to upskill and think about designing in 3D and how to make it as intuitive as possible for users, but I think most of us have learned to adapt to new challenges and embrace change as it is almost a daily occurrence in our roles as UX designers.

Even though the shift from 2D to 3D might seem dramatic, I don’t think that the design process will necessarily be very different from what we’re used to today. The research still needs to be done, usability tests and focus groups will still be of immense value, even though they might be done in a 3D environment, which might make them more entertaining and accessible to conduct. User journeys, empathy maps and all the tools and techniques we use now can still be used and even upgraded for VR/AR technology.

With so much yet to be discovered, I think the metaverse will bring a lot of opportunities in terms of UX design. However, I think as UX designers, we need to think about the ethical aspect of our job, if we’re creating a perfect virtual world, the implications of the experience we’re creating on real users can’t be ignored. Addiction to VR is already a “thing”. A study conducted by the Higher Colleges of Technology found that excessive playing in VR might be linked to brain damage. Existing/playing in virtual reality for too long might result in difficulties when distinguishing between virtual reality and face-to-face reality. It’s a double-edged sword that needs to be carefully dealt with.

Initially, I transitioned to UX as I was enchanted by the creativity and level of impact that came with the industry. I’m still passionate about my UX journey, especially when it comes to discovering new territories like the metaverse, but I’m also aware that great design doesn’t necessarily mean ethical design. I wonder how other UX designers feel about the metaverse, are you excited? Scared? Empowered?

I guess we’ll have to wait and see but remember; with great power… ;)

