Transforming Lives Through the Power of Personalized Audio: Join Me in Creating a World of Joy and Serenity through audio technology.

I am a passionate advocate for the power of sound to evoke emotions and transform lives. With a strong background in the music industry, I have honed my skills in crafting innovative and personalized audio experiences that bring joy, relaxation, and comfort to individuals. My journey has also led me to gain valuable experience in the tech industry, contributing to top companies in Silicon Valley.

Currently, I am the visionary behind Alun, a company dedicated to revolutionizing audio experiences. Our mission at Alun is to help individuals find peace and serenity through personalized audio experience. By leveraging technology, we create unique audio experiences that transport individuals to a state of tranquility and joy.

As a recently appointed Music Committee member of the Jakarta Arts Council, I am excited to contribute my expertise and insights to further enrich the local music scene. I welcome collaboration and exploration of innovative music and audio experiences. Let's connect and create something extraordinary.