10 Blogging Mistakes That Are Killing Your Traffic and How to Fix Them

Anil Agarwal
10 min readApr 25, 2024


Starting a blog can be really exciting in 2024. You can easily share your thoughts and interests with a global audience.

But if you are new to the blogging world (beginner), then it is easy to make some common blogging mistakes that can hurt the success of your blog.

This guide covers the 10 common blogging mistakes that beginners tend to make while blogging.

For example, mistakes like not doing keyword research properly, so your posts don’t show up while readers doing the searches.

Or not having a consistent posting schedule, which frustrates readers.

Maybe you are trying to cover too many different topics instead of focusing on one niche.

Small mistakes like these can really hold your blog back from reaching its full potential to the readers.

So, if you want to learn what are the common mistakes to avoid while doing blogging, then continue to read on.

10 Most Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2024 [Mistakes + Solution]

Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Let’s discuss the 10 common amateur blogger mistakes that hurt your blog success and some tips to correct these mistakes.

1. Not doing proper Keyword research

Keyword research

Keyword research means finding the best words and phrases that people type into search engines when looking for solutions.

This helps to make sure that your blog shows up in those searches.

Useful tools for doing keyword research include Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner.

These useful keyword research tools show popular search terms, how many searches they get, and how much competition is there.

For example, if you have a blog focused on eco-friendly living, these tools might reveal that the keyword phrase “eco-friendly home tips” has a high monthly search volume around 10,000 searches.

Then you could use that phrase (Keyword) in your blog posts to get more readers.

Keyword research helps you to

  • Target the right audience
  • Get more website traffic
  • Keep readers engaged

Overall, keyword research is a vital early step that lays the groundwork for attracting your target audience to your blog consistently.

So, don’t skip this important step at any cost.

2. Not Posting on a Regular Schedule

Regular Schedule for content posting

Another blogging mistake to avoid for beginners is not having a consistent posting schedule.

Imagine if your favorite TV show just aired at random times, then you would definitely get frustrated, right? It is the same for all blog readers.

So, the solution? Use a content calendar.

Tools like Trello or Asana let you plan and schedule posts in advance.

You can lay out a whole month’s posts and set dates for publishing each one of your blog posts. This keeps you organized at the same time readers know when to expect new content from you.

The benefits of posting a blog consistently include

  • Better search engine rankings
  • Readers keep coming back to your website
  • More opportunities to make money from your blog

Overall, posting the blog consistently builds readers trust and loyalty over time. At the same time, it shows that you respect your audience’s time and interest.

3. Trying to Cover Too Many Topics (not having one particular niche)

Trying to Cover Too Many Topics

This is one of the most common mistakes that new bloggers do.

First of all, a niche means specializing in a particular topic that you consistently write the blog about. This helps you to establish as an authority in the blogging landscape.

Have you ever gone to a blogging website looking for expert advice, only to find a messy mix of totally different subjects? This is what happens when you don’t focus on one particular niche or specific topic area.

So what is the solution?

Use effective tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush to see which topics get the engagement most from your audience.

This data about your niche can guide your content strategy to focus on the particular niche that resonates best.

For example, if you have a travel blog and while researching in the tools, it says the “Budget tips” post gets the highest traffic, you could specialize in that area.

The benefits of choosing a niche include,

  • You can build a recognizable and strong brand
  • You can become an expert in your specific field
  • You will get more targeted and engaged readers

Overall, if you focus on one specific niche, then it allows you to create valuable, in-depth content tailored to your audience’s interests. This makes your blog more likely to be shared and referenced as a trusted source in online.

4. Caring More About Quantity than Quality

Quantity than Quality

Many new bloggers make the mistakes of caring too much about posting lots of content, instead of making sure each post is of good quality. They rush to put out as many blog post as possible quickly.

But this is a mistake.

Today blog readers want content with substance not just basic articles filling their feeds.

The problem for focusing on quantity more than quality of the blog posts lacks depth and research.

Readers crave content that answer their questions, solve their problems, teaches them with new things, or simply entertains them with an authentic voice.

To solve this

  • Use tools like Yoast SEO or RankMath to optimize posts for search engines.
  • Use Grammarly to check for grammar errors, plagiarism, and readability issues of your blog content.

For example, if you are running a tech blog, instead of broad overviews, you should focus on in-depth reviews and detailed analyses of different products or technologies. This kind of high-quality, informative content is what will keep readers engaged and loyal to your blog over time.

The benefits of focusing on quality blog posts include

  • Higher reader engagement
  • More social sharing
  • A reputation for reliability

Overall, it is about building a relationship with your audience through trustworthy, valuable content that keeps them coming back.

So take your time to craft the blog post that you are truly proud of, because your readers and the success of your blog completely depend on it.

5. Not Building a Community

Building a Community

Building a community means creating a space where readers feel connected — to the content, and to you.

It is about encouraging discussion, feedback about your blog, sharing tips and ideas.

A blog without a community is like a classroom with no students. While your blogs have the potential for engagement, without people, it remains unrealized.

So, if you are doing this common blogging mistake, you have to start build a community. For building a proper community, you can use tools like

  • WordPress Commenting
  • Disqus
  • Social media groups

These community-building tools provide a VIRTUAL MEETING PLACE for your audience to gather and interact.

The benefits of an active community include

  • Higher reader retention
  • A source of feedback and inspiration for future posts
  • It helps to strengthens the ties and build trust with your dedicated audience.

Overall, in a crowded online space, a strong community can set your blog apart and keep readers choosing you over others.

6. Choosing the Wrong Niche

Choosing the Wrong Niche

The niche or topic area you choose for blogging is quite important because it can make or break your blogging efforts.

While blogging if you pick the wrong niche, then it will be extremely difficult to produce engaging content for your readers that resonates.

The core issues is a lack of passion and expertise in the niche you have selected.

Content creators need to be genuinely interested and knowledgeable in their topic. So, they can keep producing quality content over time.

  • In your potential niche conduct thorough research to understand your audience needs
  • You have to create content tailored to that niche’s interest and pain points
  • Think ahead — don’t just go after what’s hot right now, aim to build something that will last.

For instance, instead of talking broadly about “fitness,” you might dive into something like “quick workouts for busy professionals.” This way, you can create targeted content for a specific audience.

The advantages of selecting the right niches are

  • You can connect deeply with your audience
  • Establishing yourself as an authority
  • You can unlock monetization opportunities as your audience grows

So don’t settle a niche for your blog that aren’t thrilled about.

Do your research, find personal interest and audience demand, then start create the content you genuinely care about. That is the path to blogging success in 2024.

7. Choosing the wrong Hosting Company

wrong Hosting Company

Ever been to a website that just won’t load? That’s super annoying, right?

This often happens when bloggers pick a bad hosting company.

A good hosting service keeps your site running well, but a bad one can cause your site to go down or load slowly, making people leave.

This usually happens because of:

  • Too many websites on one server
  • Not enough resources
  • Bad customer support

To avoid this, choose a host that:

  • Keeps your site up all the time
  • Loads your pages fast
  • Can handle a lot of visitors
  • Provides good customer support

A website with good hosting will show up higher in search results, give a better experience to visitors, and might even make more money from more traffic.

8. Skipping Internal Linking

Skipping Internal Linking

Do you ever read a blog and wished you could find more related stuff on the same site?

Forgetting to link within your own blog means you lose chances to keep people interested.

Internal links are important because they let readers explore more of your content easily.

Why do bloggers skip this? Sometimes they just forget as they keep adding new posts.

But using tools can help, like:

  • Blog systems like CMA that make linking easy
  • SEO plugin like Link Whisper that automatically suggests related posts
  • Analytics that show how visitors move through your site

Good linking keeps people on your site longer and shows search engines that your blog content is relevant.

It also lowers the number of visitors who leave quickly, increases the number of pages they view, and boosts your search ranking.

9. Not Optimizing for Mobile

Not Optimizing for Mobile

Struggled to read a blog on your phone because everything was too small?

That’s what happens when a blog isn’t made for mobile (mobile optimization).

With so many people using smartphones today, not making your blog mobile-friendly cuts off a big part of your audience.

Some bloggers don’t realize how many people use mobile, or they don’t know how to make their blogs work well on mobile.

But it’s crucial to ensure your blog works well on phones and tablets by:

  • Using a responsive design that changes the size for different screens
  • Making website navigation easy to tap
  • Loading website quickly for people browsing on the go

Tools like responsive themes, mobile testing tools, and networks that speed up loading can help.

Being mobile-friendly helps you reach more people, gets better SEO, and lets users interact easier.

10. Not Optimizing Images

Optimizing Images

Have you ever left a site because the images took too long to load?

High-quality, big images can slow down your site, hurting visitor experience and your search rankings.

Many bloggers upload pictures without thinking about the file size or load times.

But image optimization tools can help, like:

  • Compression Software to make images smaller without losing quality
  • Use content delivery networks to load images faster
  • Lazy loading to load images only when needed

These tools help keep your site fast and looking good.

Optimizing images leads to faster load times, better SEO, and lower costs.

Don’t let big images slow down your blog. Take the time to optimize. Your visitors and search rankings will thank you.

Final Thoughts about Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

It is really important to avoid above-mentioned common blogging mistakes to help your blog grow and succeed as a new blogger.

If you are really skipping these steps like researching keywords, posting regularly, and building community, these mistakes will hold back your audience and success.

Blogging needs patience and a lot of hard work. Don’t worry if your blog doesn’t become popular right away.

You have to keep learning, improving your blogging strategies, and writing great content that connect with your readers.

Your blog will start to pick up over time, and you will build a loyal audience — it might even start making money.

Moreover, to avoid some of the most common pitfalls, check out this guide on blogging mistakes to avoid.



Anil Agarwal

Helping bloggers and website owners in improving traffic and revenue. Founder of https://bloggerspassion.com/. Featured on Sites like Forbes, HuffPost, SEMrush.