Pabbly Connect vs Zapier: Which Automation Tool Saves You More Money?

Anil Agarwal
9 min readApr 12, 2024


Pabbly Connect and Zapier are both automation tools that help to make your workflow smoother and make you more productive on business.

But, which one is the top choice?

This detailed look compares them,

  • Focusing on their costs
  • How they manage tasks inside
  • Limits on workflows
  • How deep they can go in routing
  • How they handle timing
  • How many apps they can work with

By the end of this, you will clearly see what each platform does best and what they lack. This will help you choose the best automation tool for what your business needs.

Pabbly Connect vs Zapier

1. Pricing Comparison

Pabbly Connect offers a one-time payment plan of $699 for 10,000 tasks. Meanwhile, Zapier offers 10,000 tasks that cost $1548/year.

Let’s explore the key differences in their pricing models. So, this will help you make an informed decision on choosing the best automation platform.

Pabbly Connect: Pay Just Once

Pabbly Connect lets you pay $699 once for 10,000 tasks. This means you pay one time and can use those 10,000 tasks without extra monthly costs or hidden fees.

Zapier: Pay Every Month

Zapier’s plan for 10,000 tasks is $1548 per year. This model means you keep paying every month to use up to 10,000 tasks.

Why is Pabbly a Good Pick?

Paying once with Pabbly Connect might save you money over time, especially if you stay within 10,000 tasks. However, Zapier’s monthly fee can add up if you always need many tasks.

What Pabbly Connect Offers?

What Pabbly Connect Offers?
  1. Free Plan: $0 a month, gives up to 100 tasks and a range of features.

Check detailed plans here

2. Standard Plan: $25 a month, up to 24,000 tasks.

Check detailed plans here

3. Pro Plan: $50 a month up to 50,000 tasks.

Check detailed plans here

4. Ultimate Plan: $100 a month up to 100,000 tasks and top support.

Check detailed plans here

5. Lifetime Deals: From $249 to $699, check detailed plans here.

Pabbly Connect Lifetime Deals

Why Pick Pabbly Connect?

  • You can pay once for 10,000 tasks
  • Flexible options — Choose to pay in 3 parts
  • Save 15% with yearly plans
  • Discounts for paying 2 or 3 years ahead
  • It is trusted by 14,099+ businesses
  • No transaction charges
  • 30-Days refund guarantee

In summary, Pabbly Connect is the clear winner in terms of pricing.

If you go for the Pabbly Connect one-time payment plan, it will be cost-effective and best in the long run. Especially if you don’t need more than 10,000 tasks.

To sum up, Pabbly Connect can cost less over time with its one-time pay option for 10,000 tasks, if you do not need more. Pabbly Connect also has plans for different budgets and needs.

2. Internal Tasks

Pabbly Connect doesn’t charge for internal tasks like filters, paths, and fixing data, while Zapier does charge for these tasks.

Internal Tasks Pabbly Connect

When you are automating your work to run by itself, small things can really change the game.

This is very true when you look at Pabbly Connect and Zapier, two big names in making tasks automatically.

See, with Zapier, every little job (tasks) you do in your set-up — like sorting data, changing numbers, or moving information — counts as a task. And you have to pay for each task, no matter if it’s big or small.

But Pabbly Connect goes a different way, and it can save you a lot of money over time. With Pabbly Connect, all those in-house (internal) tasks? They are totally free.

  • Webhooks? Free.
  • Email parsing? Free.
  • Scheduling? Free.
  • Number formatting? Free.
  • Filtering, routing, data transformation? All free.

You can make complex, many-step setups without worrying about the number of tasks going up. It is a big deal, especially if your work needs a lot of internal tasks.

Just imagine a scenario, where you need to pull data from a form, filter out the irrelevant entries, format the phone numbers, then send the cleaned-up information to a spreadsheet.

With Zapier, each of those internal steps like the filtering, the formatting, and the routing will be counted as individual tasks.

So, this will quickly deplete your available task quota and cost you more money.

This difference in how the two platforms (Pabbly Connect and Zapier) manage internal tasks can really change things.

If you go for the Zapier’s way, then it can get pricey, while Pabbly Connect keeps it simple and cheap.

So, if you are looking for the best work automation platform and saving money too, give Pabbly Connect a closer look.

Its free internal task policy might be what you need to make powerful set-ups without spending a lot.

And just one of the many reasons why Pabbly Connect could be the better choice for your automatic needs.

Access the Lifetime deal on Pabbly (50% OFF)

3. Workflow Limits

Zapier has a max on how many automation flows you can have with cheaper plans, while Pabbly Connect doesn’t limit the number of flows on its one-time pay plans.

No Workflow Limits on pabbly

If you are using Zapier, there’s a limit on the number of automation workflows, or “Zaps” as they call them, that you can have active at any given time. And this limit is especially restrictive on their smaller, more affordable plans.

Imagine, with the free plan of Zapier, you might only set up a few Zaps at once. So, you will need to think hard about which flows to keep active.

If you want more, you will need to pay for a pricier plan of Zapier.

But Pabbly Connect does it differently. With their one-time pay plans, you don’t face any caps on the number of automation flows you can create. That’s right, no limits.

You can set up as many flows as you need, from HR tasks to sales steps, without any limitations.

This is key if you or your business really want to dive deep into automation.

Say, you have a dozen or more workflows that all work together to streamline your operations.

With Zapier, you’d be always choosing which one stays “ACTIVE”. But with Pabbly Connect, you can set them all up.

And the best part? Pabbly Connect’s one-time pay plans mean you don’t have to pay recurring subscription fees monthly.

You pay once, and you are set, with no limits on how many flows you can create.

So, if you are keen to unlock the full power of automation and boost your business, Pabbly Connect could be your pick.

No limits, no monthly costs, and the freedom to build your automation world as big as you want. It’s a small yet big difference that can lift your work and efficiency.

4. Router Depth

Pabbly Connect lets you go deep with routers, no limit. But with Zapier, you can only go 3 levels deep.

Router Depth No Limit with Pabbly

With Zapier, there is a limit: you can only make 3 steps in your rules.

With Pabbly Connect, you can make as many steps as you need. You are not stuck with just 3 steps.

For example, you could sort customer support tickets by the issue type (first level), the customer’s subscription tier (second level), their preferred language (third level), and even their previous interaction history (fourth level and beyond). You can do so much more.

This freedom to make deep and complex workflows is a big plus, especially if you need very specific and detailed workflows.

Here is an easy example of how deep routing can work in Pabbly Connect,

Imagine you have an online shop and you want to send emails based on what customers do.

With Pabbly Connect, you could start with a purchase trigger, then send customers different messages if they spent more than $500 (like a special “Thank You” if they buy a lot or a “Welcome” if they are new).

And for those who spend less, you could offer deals based on what they bought.

The cool part of Pabbly Connect’s unlimited steps is that you can add more and more rules, making a super custom and smart workflow.

It’s a flexibility you don’t get with other tools like Zapier.

So, if you really want to make your business run smoothly and step up your workflows, Pabbly Connect might be your best pick.

With its strong, endless routers, you can create neat automation that fits exactly what you need.

Access the Lifetime deal on Pabbly (50% OFF)

5. Schedule Trigger

Pabbly Connect can check things every 1 minute, but Zapier can only do it every 10 minutes.

Schedule Trigger by Pabbly

Zapier lets your tasks run at least every 10 minutes. This is good for jobs that don’t need quick action.

But, Pabbly Connect goes a step further. They let tasks run as often as every single minute. Yes, every 60 seconds.

This opens many more doors, especially for tasks that need to react quickly, like watching data or sending fast alerts.

Think if you have a business based on appointments. With Zapier, you’d wait at least 10 minutes before your task could check for new appointments and send reminders.

But with Pabbly Connect’s 1-minute trigger, your task can run all the time, making sure your clients don’t miss their spots.

And it is not just about how often tasks can run. Pabbly Connect also lets you set your tasks for much longer times than Zapier — like 45 days, 6 months, even a year.

So, whether you need something every minute or once a year, Pabbly Connect can handle it.

So, if you want to step up your automation game, take a closer look at Pabbly Connect and how their scheduling can help you get your work done better. It might be the boost your business needs.

6. Integration Capabilities

Zapier offers over 5,000+ integrations. This number is more than Pabbly Connect’s 1,000+ integrations. In terms of integration capabilities, Zapier is potentially more suitable for users who need a wider range of app connections.

Pabbly Connect Integration Capabilities

Zapier is one of the best automation software, boasting over 6,000 ways to connect.

This huge number means you can probably find any app you need to link up with. From well-known business tools to very specific ones, Zapier likely has your back.

But, don’t look down on Pabbly Connect too fast. They might not have as many options as Zapier, but with over 1,000 connections to big names like Google, Salesforce, and Typeform, they have it all.

So, how to choose? It depends on the apps you need to connect. If your needs are wide, Zapier’s vast choice might serve you well.

But if you need fewer tasks to automate, Pabbly Connect could be better on your wallet and simpler to use.

And don’t forget, Pabbly Connect is always adding more integrations. So, what might not work today could fit just right tomorrow.

Access the Lifetime deal on Pabbly (50% OFF)

Access the Monthly deal on Pabbly (50% OFF)

Final Thoughts on Pabbly Connect Vs Zapier

Choosing between Pabbly Connect and Zapier depends on what you need.

Pabbly Connect is cheaper because you pay once, it is unlimited for tasks, lets you make as many workflows as you want, and is good for tricky needs.

Zapier, though, has way more apps it can work with, which is great if you need lots of options.

The key is to think about what matters most to you: saving money, getting certain features, or having lots of app choices.

Think hard about what you need to pick the best tool for your work. Keep your main goals in mind to make the best decision.



Anil Agarwal

Helping bloggers and website owners in improving traffic and revenue. Founder of Featured on Sites like Forbes, HuffPost, SEMrush.