Benefits of PIXBY for Customers and Freelancers

Iman muda
3 min readSep 23, 2019


Human resources play a very important role in the implementation of the organization, without humans the machines will not run. Because even the most sophisticated machines cannot run, producing maximum quality if there is no human support. Similarly, finance and information, if no one is running it, then it will not be of no use. Human resources become an important point in organizations that want to develop. To occupy a job position in an organization it requires qualifications regarding a job then the work actually will not be able to do optimally. Therefore, the latest advanced technology today has been around us, one of which is a sophisticated technology that is capable and integrated from Blockchain technology, Pixby.

Pixby is a Blockchain-powered freelance market where creativity and appreciation can be given to everyone by showing their skills and abilities. This platform offers a one-stop solution for people who are looking for freelancers to complete various types of tasks. Pixby will operate through a combination of the PIXBYTOKEN API and other established software tools and applications, along with a decentralized Ethereum (Dapp) application that will execute PXB tokens, and will further minimize the need for intermediaries which makes the freelancer market too expensive. In this case also use a decentralized Blockchain network as a means of payment infrastructure to provide royalties and give awards to all those who support this system.

Pixby token (PXB) is a purely cryptocurency version of the peer-2 peer utility, based on the time-proven Euthereum network, PXB tokens provide the ability to make seamless and easy online transactions with maximum speed and unlimited scale. Therefore PXB functions as a utility token in the decentralized PIXBY market.

Pixby applications have many benefits for customers including as a freelancer and function for users to easily find and hire top freelancers using search engines on this platform or can also browse categories and sub categories, besides the Pixby application also has a function as a secure payment send application , which means managing P2P transactions that are safe and confidential with a 0% commission for services offered by users or customers, the Pixby application also functions as a liability project, meaning that more users use Pixby in their daily lives, the more points that are in earn, because Pixby is a network where wealth is divided based on the value each person gives. Furthermore, Pixby can also exchange to fiat, meaning that it can instantly exchange PXB to PXBX fiat cryptocurency. The Pixby application also processes completely automatically, meaning the Pixby platform allows users to connect quickly and securely with freelancers without third-party interference. In addition, Pixby also securely stores crypto for users, meaning users can create multi-currency wallets in minutes, no registration is required to start receiving PXB or pay for services offered by users in the Pixby application. Besides having benefits for customers, Pixby also has benefits for freelancers including having flexible hours, which means working from home or from a distant workplace as a freelancer at Pixby, allowing freelancers to determine a comfortable working time.

Besides that, there is also a “Pixby Could Staking Protocol” which means that a protocol that rewards PXB holders in the long run. the protocol will be made in a smart solidity contract that will mimic the logic of business agreements. The ultimate goal is to secure user tokens and provide the ability to earn an annual interest rate of 90%. Because of the small supply, which is 150,000,000 PXB, the staking pool is limited to 50 stakeholders and 80,000 PXB. Each straker is allowed to lock 80,000 PXB no more or no less. Besides that, you have to wait for 24 hours for the coins to mature. Daily prizes will be set at 200 PXB. And can be withdrawn at any time without affecting the bet balance.

The aim and target of this platform is to create a platform where freelancers will be able to easily place their services in the form of items that can be purchased in one click using cryptocurency. Unlike other services that are already available, Pixby will be free to all, and will certainly make the platform more friendly than others.

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