Government Centralized Finance Vs Decentralized Finance From Largo

Iman muda
3 min readAug 11, 2020


Banks are financial institutions that are used by most of the world community for various financial interests, such as storing, saving, sending or receiving some money and banks can also be used as intermediaries for investors who want to invest such as currency trading. It cannot be denied that banks have provided many benefits to the world community, especially in terms of the economy. However, did you know that at this time there are still people who do not have bank accounts, even according to some studies this number will increase over time. This is because most people think that banks do not prioritize their functions for the benefit of society. Because most financial institutions are only concerned with personal interests, such as how much profitability will be obtained. Not only that, the Bank also establishes policies which incidentally are burdensome to its customers.

As we know that the payment system in commercial finance is currently faced with various challenges, this is also because the system used is a centralized system. The absence of transparency, low security system, and uninsured transaction agreements are the main factors for many people who choose not to join as a customer of a bank. In fact, almost all financial activities currently involve banks as highly trusted third parties. However, this is because financial institutions that use a centralized system are fully controlled by the central authority so that they are unable to provide sovereignty and independence over individual finances. Therefore, finances managed using the current centralized system can be said to be not entirely efficient. Therefore, it is not surprising that today many people are turning to the decentralized financial system presented by blockchain technology.

Largo is one of the sources of blockchain technology that provides current and reliable decentralized financial services as the best crypto financial services. Of course, as a financial instrument that adopts the sophistication of Blockchain technology, Largo will allow each user to make transactions freely with very low fees and transactions that can be done instantly without any delays, such as the number of pending transactions due to slow network speeds and these problems. almost happened to most of the previous traditional financial platforms. Therefore, Largo will provide several alternatives so that it can be used as the best solution for users who want to enjoy cryptocurrency-based financial services.

Everyone must have different characteristics, these characteristics will be a reference for cryptocurrency users who want to make choices about the platform with the financial services provided. Listed as a Blockchain technology platform, Largo was founded with a consensus proof of stake algorithm architecture, so that the architecture is able to protect the payment system from various threats and multiple expenses. This algorithm refers to a concept that will select users with the largest Largo coin holders to validate transactions and enter them into a block. Previous Did you know what is a proof of stake ? which is a type of consensus algorithm that will allow its users to freeze a selected number of coins to facilitate transactions in a block. Later selected users do not need to store stock, in which case they only need to get additional coins.

For users who want to make purchases of Largo coins, users can make purchases using registered fiat currencies. This makes it very easy for users not to remember that fiat currency is definitely owned by everyone. So that you can join the world of cryptocurrency without having to exchange its fiat currency first. In addition to using fiat currency to purchase Largo tokens, users can also buy Largo tokens through several listed exchanges, because they are listed on some of the world’s leading packages. So that he will be very easy to find and empower.

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