The Optimization Side of a Liquiditex

Iman muda
4 min readNov 22, 2019


Trading is a form of profit maximizing activity that is currently often carried out by most business people in the world. This activity becomes a profit land with productivity that guarantees in the future. Simply put, trading can be interpreted as a process of buying and selling currencies simultaneously between one country and another. Trading was chosen because this activity has so many advantages such as time and place that is flexible, fluctuations in prices that rise rapidly and can be personally authorized. Since the presence of Blockchain technology in the midst of the world’s technology industry, trading has increasingly caught the attention of the world’s public. This is because Blockchain is the cause for the birth of new currencies that have the potential for optimal profits in the trading world compared to fiat currencies in general. This currency is known as the crypto currency.

Not only as a milestone for the birth of the crypto currency, Blockhchain is also a driving force for the birth of sophisticated platforms that contribute so much to the progress of all sectors of the world industry. One platform that was born using this technology is Liquiditex.

Liquiditex is a platform designed to meet human needs in trading activities. As explained previously, this platform has used a new technology called Blockchain. This technology is a recent innovation that works with 2 highly reliable operational systems. These systems are called decentralized systems and encryption systems. Decentralization is a system that works by providing full access control for each user without being able to be acquired by other external parties, be it the government or a banking institution. While encryption is a system that provides multiple layers of data protection. Every user name, signature and even password will be protected in multi-protection by going through a gradual verification process. Seeing the reliability brought by this technology, it guarantees confidence in the performance of a platform that has used the technology.

To become a trader at Liquiditex, users can start by registering themselves on this platform using an email account that is still active. For registrants who have successfully passed the process and have become a Liquiditex client, a digital wallet can be used as a tool to deposit their coins or tokens. Henceforth, they can carry out trading activities using the capabilities they have. On this platform, a trader can exchange their dollars with cryptocurrency like BTC, XRP, and ETH. In addition, users can also exchange their cryptocurrency like Bitcoin with Ethereum on this platform. These money can be traded only in a very short time. This is because this platform has been committed to creating a trading platform with optimal performance and using very sophisticated technology.

Liquiditex has prepared 1,000,000 shells for clients who have registered on this platform. Each user who has successfully registered and successfully passed the complete ID verification process will be given 20 shells. In addition, each user who successfully invites a friend to join this platform and passes the ID verification process, each will be given 20 additional shells. Shell is a form of loyalty provided by the liquiditex platform for their favorite clients. The more number of shells collected, it will place a person at the highest rank and have the opportunity to get a large profit opportunity on an airdrop activity carried out by this platform. This offer is certainly a very interesting opportunity and should not be wasted.

Liquiditex is a platform created with the principle of simplicity that will make it easy for their clients to trade on this platform. Each prospective user can learn about the rules contained in this platform through the manual that has been prepared. In this book, prospective users will be taught how to register and verify data on the Liquiditex platform. In addition, they will also be taught how to deposit tokens, withdraw or trade on this platform and they will also be notified of all other information related to this platform. To be able to access it the first time, a user can visit their official page at

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