Transformation of Traditional Browser into a Modern Browser with Netbox

Iman muda
11 min readDec 11, 2019


Living in the era of digitalization like today is certainly very difficult apart from the internet, this is because some of the people are accustomed to using the internet to meet their daily needs. Good just to just open social media, find information, do work, do business or for shopping. The internet has become one of the needs that cannot be separated from the daily life of a part of the community, this is of course because the internet is very flexible to use, where it will be connected to various activities in accordance with our wishes.

In order to get all the information or activities that we need, we can choose a web browser like Mozilla, Google Chrome, Opera or other web browsers that interest you. Where Web Browser is a software that can be used by humans to search for, access or display web pages, important sites and content that suits human needs. By looking at this phenomenon, it is only natural that the web browser and the internet are an inseparable unity and can meet some human needs.

As we know that the main function of a web browser is to translate web pages sent via HTTP / HTPPS or FTP and convert them into content that can be read by humans. Of course some people will ask, why should it be translated, even though when uploaded by the relevant parties, the content uses certain languages? even though unknowingly, when creating a blog, bloggers have already raised a number of languages ​​- computerized languages ​​and the layperson certainly does not understand the language, therefore a web browser is needed as a translator so that anyone doing a search using a web browser can surf the internet freely easy.

Besides having the main function, Netbox browser also has several other functions in order to provide maximum services to all users, which functions such as displaying pages or websites, provide security guarantees from the websites visited by users. where the browser will definitely give a notification that contains a notification that the web that we visit is not safe. Apart from that the web browser can also save data or websites offline, which if the data is important, then you can save it on the bookmarks page and you can access it when you are offline.

But even though it has provided a lot of access to meet various kinds of human needs, currently the web browser still has various kinds of weaknesses. Where these weaknesses are also often complained of by users, such as some browsers still provide very slow access, often experience system errors and provide a number of viruses that can damage the software of the user’s device and steal important user data, which is one of the viruses which can steal user data is Malware.

Security is one important factor that must be provided by the network provider and certain services. Because without security, of course, only a handful of people choose to use the service in times of urgency. Like the internet which still provides security services that are not guaranteed, people still use it because they do not have other access to connect to several websites. So that despite having a significant negative impact the community will still use the service to obtain the desired goals such as profitability, science, information and other interests.

But if the web browser does not immediately make improvements to the services provided, then automatically when other web browsers are present and provide better services, the web browser will lose users. Where as we know that at this time a lot of technology scientists who are conducting various kinds of research to provide the latest innovations and solve problems that are happening in the community.

It is undeniable when some technologies are experiencing very rapid development, such as Blockchain technology. Where currently the technology is growing rapidly due to the large number of people who have joined the technology and enjoy the benefits provided by Blockchain technology, one of which is such as convenience at the time of the transaction, guaranteed security and using lower costs. This is what causes technology scientists to be incessant incessantly doing various things to build a platform with Blockchain technology, as was done by one of the technology scientists who has succeeded in building the Netbox platform.

Netbox is one of the platforms listed as a media that has a function to be a browser, but the Netbox browser is different from the browser in general, this is because the Netbox browser will fully integrate with the Blockchain. So that automatically all networks that are connected to the browser will certainly be guaranteed a strong security guarantee, this is because the Blockchain has been equipped with a decentralized basic system so as to provide highly transparent access to all users.

Not only providing safe access, Netbox will also provide fast access to its users, where more and more people are using the service from Netbox, then automatically it will also affect the speed that will be obtained by users. Of course, this is very different from the access provided by ordinary web browsers, where more and more users are accessing the web browser, the web browser will automatically provide slow access, even the website may not be visited at all. Therefore, Netbox can be used as an alternative for those of you who want to surf the internet without any interference at all and with a guaranteed security system as well.

By joining the Netbox platform, of course you will not only get access that can meet your needs, but Netbox will also provide bonuses in the form of NBX tokens. Where the token is a token issued by the Netbox platform and can be used as a legitimate transaction tool. So if you install Netbox.Browser, you will get 20 Netbox if you are among the first 125,000 users to install the application. But if you haven’t been included in the first user category then you can use other things to get NBX tokens, like browsing the Netbox web browser. Where the more often you surf the web, the more tokens you will get.

Netbox Master Nodes

The product provide profitability for its users, Netbox will also provide better access for all users so that all points earned by users can be easily managed. Where users can use the services provided by Masternodes, which Masternodes will function to ensure the regular income earned by users, in addition it will also ensure the security of the user’s privacy when making various transactions and so on. Where to ensure the availability of the network when browsing the internet, users are required to create a Masternode account first, which is the process of making an account accessible through the official site of Netbox at and users can complete the terms predetermined by the platform such as providing 10,000 NBX to activate the account.

Did you know that Netbox not only provides services in the form of Netbox.Browser, but it will also provide other services that can meet the needs of users. Where one of these services is Netbox.Chain, which Netbox.Chain is a transaction book that is distributed directly with a decentralized system, so that it will cause each transaction to be systematically recorded into a data structure called a block. Where every block that is input into the Blockchain will be verified first with applicable procedures such as proof of stake or stake proof.

Netbox wallet

As a high-quality platform, Netbox will certainly provide flexible services and also provide mobility that is easy for users to reach. Where Netbox will provide Netbox.Wallet and features as a simple and safe payment method for users to use. So by using Netbox.Wallet, users can save prizes given by Netbox.Browser and make various transactions both with the Netbox platform and with other platforms. Because Nettbox.Wallet not only provides services with a variety of crypto money, but it can also be used using fiat currencies such as USD and EUR. So users can easily store, send, receive tokens and exchange all types of cryptocurrency they have for a number of fiat currencies. Not only that, Netbox.Wallet users can also refill the digital wallet by transferring directly through the bank accounts owned by the users.

For users who already have Netbox.Wallet, users can order debit cards to be operational in any transaction, which Netbox not only provides cards with crypto currency, but also provides special payment cards that use currencies fiat. So if users keep a number of currencies in both cards, then an exchange will automatically occur. Where with the exchange can make users have easy access without having to make exchanges with other exchange service platforms.

In addition, Netbox will also provide online payment services at various online stores using a payment card from Netbox.Pay. The payment process can be done quickly, this is because Netbox.Browser has the ability to detect these types of payments and users can immediately make payments by pressing the “Buy” button on the smartphone screen or website. Of course, the flexibility provided by Netbox is a form of seriousness given by Netbox to users so that it displays a special impression that makes users switch to using Netbox as a media that can be accessed to perform various activities that provide benefits all the time for users.

Netbox Browser

At present, the internet network is one network that does not have high security, this can be seen from a variety of services that cause harm to others. In addition, transactions using internet services also still have some problems such as data hacking so that the amount of funds sent does not reach the intended party. Not only that, another problem that makes the community frustrated is the number of fake news that is circulated by certain websites. but by using Netbox, you will be connected to the Netbox.Trust product, through which you will not find fake content that does not have free circulating quality in Netbox.Browser.

This is of course because Netbox will give freedom to users who access the Netbox.Browser service by providing various assessments. So that the assessment of an uploaded content can be used as one of the reasons for not trusting the content. Where the assessment can also be used as a foundation to avoid various problems that will occur in the future. In addition, users can also evaluate the content that has been uploaded by other users such as image authenticity, content security, suitability for age, environment, product quality and quality reliability supplied by online merchants. Where after evaluating Netbox will automatically give a warning or even block the content directly. This of course is done to provide comfort to all users.

Did you know that by joining Netbox you no longer need to pay certain service providers at a high price and have limitations to access the internet, of course users will ask why this can happen ? This can happen because Netbox will provide the Netbox.Proxy mechanism inside the Netbox platform. Where the browser will be fully accessible by users personally to the entire internet using a fully distributed system. So users can enjoy access to internet services without being constrained by any restrictions and users can pay for these services using the number of points you have gotten from Netbox. Browsers can therefore be said that by engaging in Netbox you can enjoy services for free with use prize points.

At present, it is well known that humans cannot be separated from the smartphone they have, which smartphone also has an important role such as the internet and browser for human life today. NetBox realizes this by releasing a mobile application that can be used to facilitate users when making transactions, transmissions and so on. Where NetBox has issued a product called the Dapps catalog, which in order to be able to use the application the user must first download a special add on on one of its web browsers, because only through the Dapps can Blockchain operations be performed.

Dapps released by Netbox will also provide Netbox.Store services, which through users can freely find and spend whatever they like. So that the application can not only be used to do the browser but also can be used to shop online. Not only that, Dapps provided by Netbox is also completely open source, which will give freedom to its users to carry out various forms of development. If it has successfully developed it can upload it to Netbox.Browser, and other users can carry out various assessments through Netbox.Trust. So if the application he developed gets a lot of appreciation from users and the application is the most popular application, then Netbox will automatically place the application in the first place in stores contained in Netbox. So that he will automatically get profitability easily and maximally.


The team consist with high intellectual personal, most regard toward their CTO and CEO for the project having to work well. Enabling toward product that have work in such insanely smooth, Mr Andrew & Mr Nikolay and rest of the team should be proud of their achievement.


Applications and features provided by the Netbox platform certainly have a link between one another. Where the connection can be enjoyed by users to generate profitability or simply enjoy the benefits through the convenience that is obtained. By looking at a number of features that have been provided by the Netbox platform, we can see that the platform is able to provide various services that have been needed by the world community. Communities need internet services with strong security guarantees, quality content and offers that benefit the community. It is not easy to be able to fulfill all the wishes of the people, but Netbox has proven that customer satisfaction is an important factor that must be met and Netbox can do that. Therefore, it can be said that Netbox is the most reliable browser with high quality content, full features and guaranteed security. In addition, Netbox has also succeeded in creating various unique, attractive and smart features. So users can enjoy internet access services without intermediaries and without limits with minimal costs.

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