Android MVVM Architecture Interview Questions

Imara Dharma
4 min readJun 18, 2024


The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture is a popular pattern for designing Android applications, promoting a clean separation of concerns and making the code more maintainable and testable. This article explores MVVM architecture through a detailed quiz, with explanations for each solution to enhance understanding.

Question 1: What does MVVM stand for, and what are the primary components of the MVVM architecture in Android development?

Model-View-ViewModel, Model, View, ViewModel

Explanation: MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel. The primary components are:

  • Model: Manages the application’s data and business logic.
  • View: Represents the UI and interacts with the user.
  • ViewModel: Acts as a bridge between the Model and the View, handling logic and exposing data to the View.

Question 2: What is the primary responsibility of the ViewModel?

To expose data to the View and handle complex business logic, while keeping UI and data layers separate

Explanation: The ViewModel holds and manages UI-related data, ensuring the View remains updated with data changes, while keeping the UI and data layers decoupled.

Question 3: How does the View in MVVM architecture typically observe changes in the ViewModel in Android?

By implementing an Observer pattern using LiveData or StateFlow

Explanation: The View observes changes in the ViewModel using LiveData or StateFlow, which automatically updates the UI when data changes.

Question 4: Which of the following statements best describes the role of the Model in MVVM architecture?

The Model holds the application’s data and business logic

Explanation: The Model layer is responsible for handling data operations and business logic, abstracting these from the View and ViewModel.

Question 5: In MVVM, how can you ensure that the ViewModel survives configuration changes like screen rotations?

By using ViewModelProviders or the ViewModelFactory provided by Android Architecture Components

Explanation: ViewModelProviders ensure the ViewModel instance is retained across configuration changes, such as screen rotations.

Question 6: Which of the following best describes Data Binding in the context of MVVM architecture?

A mechanism to establish a connection between the ViewModel and the View, allowing UI components to automatically update when data changes

Explanation: Data Binding connects the ViewModel and the View, enabling automatic UI updates when the underlying data changes.

Question 7: In Android MVVM, what is the primary purpose of using a Repository?

To act as an intermediary between the ViewModel and data sources, providing a clean API for data access

Explanation: The Repository pattern abstracts data access, providing a clean API for the ViewModel to interact with different data sources.

Question 8: How can you implement a one-time event in MVVM architecture to handle actions such as showing a Toast message or navigating to another screen?

Using a custom SingleLiveEvent or EventWrapper class

Explanation: SingleLiveEvent or EventWrapper classes handle one-time events, preventing multiple invocations upon configuration changes.

Question 9: In MVVM, which component should ideally handle network operations and data caching?

The Repository

Explanation: The Repository is responsible for managing data operations, including network requests and caching, abstracting these complexities from the ViewModel.

Question 10: Which of the following is an advantage of using the MVVM architecture in Android development?

It provides a clear separation of concerns, making the code more maintainable and testable

Explanation: MVVM promotes separation of concerns, improving code maintainability, testability, and scalability.

Question 11: Which Android component is primarily used to retain the state of a ViewModel across configuration changes?


Explanation: ViewModelProviders retain the ViewModel instance, ensuring it survives configuration changes like screen rotations.

Question 12: Which method is typically overridden in a ViewModel to perform cleanup operations when it is no longer needed?


Explanation: The onCleared() method is used to clean up resources when the ViewModel is no longer needed.

Question 13: How can you inject dependencies into a ViewModel in MVVM architecture?

By passing dependencies through the ViewModel constructor using a ViewModelFactory

Explanation: ViewModelFactory allows dependencies to be passed through the ViewModel constructor, enabling dependency injection.

Question 14: Which architecture component is commonly used to manage asynchronous operations in the ViewModel?


Explanation: CoroutineScope, often used with ViewModelScope, manages asynchronous operations within the ViewModel.

Question 15: What is the primary purpose of using the ViewModelScope in Android development?

To define a scope for coroutines that are tied to the ViewModel’s lifecycle

Explanation: ViewModelScope ties coroutines to the ViewModel’s lifecycle, ensuring proper coroutine cancellation when the ViewModel is cleared.

Question 16: In MVVM architecture, which component is responsible for transforming raw data from the Model into a format that is suitable for the View?

The ViewModel

Explanation: The ViewModel processes raw data from the Model, transforming it into a format suitable for the View.

Question 17: How does LiveData in MVVM architecture help in handling lifecycle-aware data updates?

By observing the lifecycle of UI components and automatically updating the UI when the data changes

Explanation: LiveData observes UI component lifecycles, ensuring data updates are handled in a lifecycle-aware manner.

Question 18: Which statement about ViewModelProviders is accurate?

ViewModelProviders ensures the same instance of ViewModel is provided to the UI component across configuration changes

Explanation: ViewModelProviders provide the same ViewModel instance to UI components, retaining it across configuration changes.

Question 19: In MVVM architecture, how should you handle UI-related logic such as showing a Snackbar or Toast message?

In the View layer, typically observing a LiveData or event from the ViewModel

Explanation: UI-related logic is handled in the View layer, observing LiveData or events from the ViewModel for UI updates.

Question 20: What is the primary purpose of the ViewModelFactory?

To instantiate ViewModels with non-default constructors, especially when they require dependencies

Explanation: ViewModelFactory allows for the creation of ViewModels with non-default constructors, enabling dependency injection.


The MVVM architecture is essential for building scalable, maintainable, and testable Android applications. Understanding the roles and interactions of its components — Model, View, and ViewModel — ensures clean separation of concerns and efficient data management. Through this quiz, we’ve explored key aspects of MVVM, providing a deeper understanding of this architecture pattern in Android development.



Imara Dharma

Inspired Android developer dedicated to learning new technologies and sharing knowledge with developers. Join me to explore the evolving Android landscape.