In Conversation with You: Nurturing Academic Success

Ivan Z. Feng
Ivan’s Articles on Math Teaching
2 min readNov 21, 2023

Hey everyone,

Recently, there’s been a lot of discussion in our academic community. I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I want to share where I stand with you.

Personally, fulfilling my responsibility as a TA is just the least I should do. Seeing you all grow, learn, and succeed is what really matters to me. The idea of missing a class, delaying your grades, or not being there for you when you need help just doesn’t sit right with me. They don’t align with my taste and values. Your needs, your education, your aspirations — they’re my top priority. I will never put my own concerns above what I believe is best for you. You all deserve uninterrupted support, dedication, and the best learning experience I can provide. And that’s what I’m here to give you, each and every day.

To me, guiding and supporting your learning journey is much more than just a job — it’s a commitment that I hold close to my heart. I’ve always considered myself a math educator with a mission to make seemingly complex, dense math extremely easy to understand for every math student. With this mission, I always prepare my teaching and write solutions to the best of my ability, making them not only easy to follow but also user-friendly and artistically attractive. Whenever I do that, it’s not just because my duty as a TA is calling me, but because you are calling me. I know you want someone like me to hold your hand through your academic journey, to make what you’re learning approachable and help you gain confidence and hope in this course. It’s not about responsibility, but about love and expression: a selfless love from one heart to another, and an artistic expression that contributes happiness and wisdom to the rest of humanity. Therefore, even if nobody paid me for performing my TA duties, I’d still be 100% willing to be your TA. Even if I had to pay the university for performing my TA duties, I’d still be 100% willing to be your TA. I just like to do it. It’s my great honor to make math and thus your life much easier, more enjoyable, and more fun because of my work. That’s what keeps me going.

Thank you for being such an incredible group. Your hard work, curiosity, and enthusiasm make teaching the most rewarding part of my day. I’m here for you — today and always.



9:42 PM on November 20, 2023
At Graduate Student Lounge Room (KAP 405), USC

