Specialization, Generalization, and Aggregation

Dhananjay Kumar
3 min readApr 14, 2023


Specialization, Generalization, and Aggregation are three essential concepts in object-oriented programming. These concepts are used to create relationships between classes, allowing for a more modular and maintainable codebase. In this article, we will explore the differences between these concepts and how they can be used in practice.


Specialization is the process of creating a new class that inherits from an existing class. The new class, also known as a subclass, inherits all of the properties and methods of the parent class, but can also add new properties and methods or override the existing ones.

In this diagram, the “Animal” entity is the parent entity and the “Dog” and “Cat” entities are the specialized child entities. The “Animal” entity contains common attributes that are shared among all of its specialized child entities, such as “name,” “age,” and “gender.” The “Dog” and “Cat” entities contain specific attributes that are unique to each entity, such as “breed,” “bark volume,” and “claw sharpness.”


Generalization is the opposite of specialization. It is the process of creating a more general class that can be used as a base for other more specific classes. In other words, generalization allows us to create a superclass that has common properties and methods shared by multiple subclasses.

In this diagram, the “Car” entity is the child entity and the “Sedan,” “SUV,” and “Truck” entities are the generalized parent entities. The “Car” entity contains attributes that are shared among all of its parent entities, such as “make,” “model,” and “year.” The parent entities contain specific attributes that are unique to each entity, such as “number of doors” for a “Sedan,” “ground clearance” for an “SUV,” and “cargo capacity” for a “Truck.”


Aggregation is a concept that allows us to create a relationship between two classes where one class is composed of one or more instances of another class. In other words, aggregation allows us to create a “has-a” relationship between two classes.

In this diagram, the “Car” entity is the whole entity and the “Engine,” “Wheels,” and “Transmission” entities are its parts. The “Car” entity contains attributes that are made up of its parts, such as “horsepower” from the “Engine,” “tire size” from the “Wheels,” and “gear ratio” from the “Transmission.” The parts are entities in their own right and can exist independently of the whole entity.


In conclusion, specialization, generalization, and aggregation are three essential concepts in object-oriented programming that allow us to create relationships between classes. Specialization allows us to create more specific classes by inheriting from a parent class. Generalization allows us to create a more general class that can be used as a base for other more specific classes. Aggregation allows us to create relationships between classes without creating a hierarchy. By understanding these concepts, we can create more modular and maintainable codebases.



Dhananjay Kumar

Lead Experience Engineer @Publicis Sapient, Founder @Apprerum