Announcing Dohnny

Getting Atomic control over your software project.

5 min readOct 19, 2018

Who solve the problem of the developers?🤔

As software developers, our job tends to be very stressful. At its core, our job is to build and solve problems with software and do it quickly, dealing with a lot of complexity, repetitive tasks, and nonhuman communication, we tend to ignore that those things are taking over our time and energy to do the real job of developers which is solve problems.

The current process of development requires to do things like set the environment up, organize a bunch of files and folders, read hundreds of libraries and old code, write repetitive code, go from mockups to functional prototypes and implement new things over and over again until you get the result you want or something close to it. There is also an explosion of tooling in the existing developer ecosystem so we have to learn more things, we’re also seeing a fundamental shift in the programming models and possibilities available to us, but the complexity of what we have to do and learn becomes higher.

Do you remember the computers from the 60's? huge machines, right? with prolonged learning curves to use it, lots of wires, connections, and really complex logic.

Software development is coming like computers in the 60’s, just take a look in the picture of above.

There is more than just complexity

We are forced to finish our job within a limited amount of time, solving complex tasks. Is very common to be overloaded for all the things we have to do in a limited time so we have to work day and night, losing our life-work balance.

Most of the time we have to sacrifice the quality of our code to have something functional quickly, that lead us to have no chance to understand or edit the code in the future, we end up doing everything from scratch again unless you have a decent documentation, yes, documentation written or not, you are going to feel pain anyway, as a tip is better to have it.

Not everywhere in the development industry are things increasing in complexity. It’s never been easier to put together a backend or database API. You can use Firebase and have a powerful database just using its API. The tooling and automation are becoming more sophisticated every day, and as a result, many tasks are simpler than ever before.

Creating the software’s integrated circuit

After working for several apps and sharing experiences with other developers, we realize that software development is not just about writing code, the code is a tool that helps us to give instructions to the computer in order to solve problems, but now solve problems using code is becoming more complex, we have a bunch of new libraries, frameworks, prototyping tools, but any of those are enough to solve problems with less stress.

Integrated circuit

We need to improve the way we write code with tools to take away all the mental overload we have when we are building apps, that’s why we start to work in the software´s integrated circuit and we call it Dohnny, a development tool that changes the way to think and visualize your app, so you can invest your time as an architect, putting all your attention on creating incredible solutions instead of all time consuming and repetitive tasks of development.

Start faster with organized files.

Dohnny changes the traditional programming paradigm, we are working to let you access your components from everywhere directly in the cloud in that way your development and production environment becomes one, so you don’t need to spend more time setting up environments or installing a lot of libraries, with Dohnny all pieces you need to create your apps are in one place and ready to go.

All your project in one place.

We also are working to teach computers how to create apps by themselves or at least take care of all the time-consuming tasks, we know that AI is the natural evolution of computers, for example, now instead of creating algorithms we just need to train a neural network with data or rules, in most of the cases that will save us a lot of time and headaches.

Nowadays there are applications that transpile mockups in code, really soon an AI writing code is going to be a really common thing, but there are going to be serious problems if you don’t make the code more human readable, imagine to maintain, refactor or read the messy code of an AI, we haven’t solved that problem ourselves, most of the time we sacrifice the clean code and a decent structure to make our apps work as fast as possible.

To solve the problem of code we are integrating an old friend of the 80’s: literate programming which is the most efficient way to write human readable code, this will enable new ways to write beautiful and well-documented code, without spending time and crying for having an unreadable code that only your machine understands.

Smarter code and quick documentation.

The code is the input to tell the computer how to do things, but writing code is a really slow communication method, and that’s why we are looking new ways to make more efficient the computer-human communication, we think that with the current stage of technology we can create an AI that using natural language processing and visual recognition interface, and with that improve the way humans give instructions to a computer, we feel great to be part of the group of people that will make it possible.

We are creating Dohnny to build everything else…

Sign up for Early Beta

If you want to be part of our journey, you can sign up and join our Discord server to keep all the updates and receive your early access as soon as possible. Sign up for Early Beta, and you will get access before we release to the public.

Peace ✌️

— Jensen Baronville, CEO, Dohnny

We’re on Product Hunt🐱🚀

Bonus trap:




Simplify the development process and build amazing and beautiful web apps.🙌✍️🚀