Useful Print and Online Magazines for Web Designers

iMediadesign Canada
3 min readFeb 12, 2016


Despite the tremendous evolution of the Internet, the print media remains strong and powerful. And being a part of creative web development industry we always look for some other design community websites, magazines or any other media that can help us to elaborate our design so that we can improve the workflow with each other’s techniques.

Among all,magazines and books are the most favorite elements for number of designers and developers who take their art seriously. Some magazines offer both their printed and online versions also pdf downloads. In this article we will explore some useful magazines where all subjects are related to art and design:

Print Media and Digital Publications

The Manual

The Manual delivers intelligent and critical thinking, and Focuses on the “Why?” of Web design, taking the reader to a deeper and richer level of work.

Web Designer

Suitable for intermediate to professional level designers, tutorials are especially follows the projects in Dreamweaver, Flash, and Photoshop.

Offscreen Mag: The People behind Bits and Pixels

Offscreen is an Online magazine published by Kai Brach, three to four times a year, and it examine the off-screen life and work of people who websites design and create apps, and tells their stories of creativity, passion and hard work.


The core question of 8faces is that which typeface would you choose out of eight? Designed by Elliot Jay Stocks, 8faces is also available as a PDF.


This journal is about design and technology, where day to day practitioners speaks on different contentious issues. Available in both digital and print formats.

Photoshop Creative

If you want to learn more about Adobe’s outstanding application. Then this magazine is perfect for you, packed with practical guides for using tools and techniques.

Layers Magazine

Layers magazine provides insights about the entire Adobe Creative Suite®, including InDesign®, Illustrator®, Photoshop®, Acrobat®, Lightroom®, After Effects®, Premiere Pro®, Dreamweaver®, and Flash®.

In graphics

In Graphics is a printed magazine from Berlin that features only infographics. It’s released twice a year, it covers most searched topics from politics to architecture, TV shows and the environment.


An open minded magazine that deals with current social issues through an ample lines of photography and plain text.

.net magazine

.net magazine is one of the most useful online magazines for Web designers and developers. The articles feature latest news, practical tips and techniques for building websites.

What print or online publications would you choose and why? Pick them up to boost your productivity and expand your web development knowledge. If any important magazine is missing here please share with us in the comments below!



iMediadesign Canada provide custom #WebsiteDesign and #mobileapp Development services using two noted CMS tools #Magento and #WordPress.