【IMEOS Interview】Boid: DO SOMETHING HUGE, Boid Makes It Easy

5 min readAug 27, 2018


Chinese Version(中文版): https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/lKQRNavOIGOfnM2_zZ5UBw


At the heart of Boid is the desire to make the benefits of blockchain technology accessible to all people. Boid acts as a gateway, lowering the barrier to entry for non-technical users to directly participate in blockchains and distributed computing projects.

IMEOS as an independent media focusing on EOS ecosystem development, we made an exclusive interview with John Heeter, Founder of Boid, bringing the details of project and goal to the community.


IMEOS: Could you please introduce Boid, and where do the initial idea come from to develop this DApp?

John: I originally was inspired in 2015 by Gridcoin, an innovative cryptocurrency that rewards contributions to volunteer distributed science projects like SETI@Home. I realized that blockchain technology provides a powerful way to capture the value of a community, and the expression of that value is heavily reliant on user adoption and network effects. To solve the user experience and branding problems that hinder the mass adoption of blockchain tech, I began working on prototypes that would eventually evolve into what you see today as Boid. Drawing from my background in the video game industry, I designed Boid to empower massive participation in decentralized networks utilizing viral social components and gamification.

IMEOS: Why would you decide to develop Boid on EOSIO? What special advantages compared to other blockchain?

John: Dan Larimer has a track record of solving problems in the blockchain space related to scalability and accessibility. EOS is the only live blockchain tech that is designed from the start to scale for mass adoption. By building Boid on EOS, I know that my platform will be able to support millions of users while remaining decentralized and transparent. Additionally, the EOS IBC (inter-blockchain communication) tech will enable sidechain technology that will power the Boid supernode network.

IMEOS: What stage is Boid at? Is it available to download and start using already?

John: Boid is currently in the alpha stage. You can try the application at app.boid.com. Currently, you can run Boid inside your web browser or install the desktop application (Mac and Windows). When you run Boid in your web browser, your computer performs Proof-of-Work using javascript. When running the Boid desktop application, your computer runs important medical research simulations as part of a distributed supercomputer. Your computing contributions across multiple devices accumulate as Boid Power on the global leaderboards. BOID tokens are generated by the platform as mining rewards, and the tokens are distributed automatically based on your Boid Power rating.

IMEOS: People will be happy that they can use rest resource of their devices to earn income, but definitely the first question come to them is the security about their personal data in device. How will Boid do to ensure the security of their device and convince potential users?

John: Security is a top priority for Boid. We only work with the most reputable distributed science projects, and we architected the Boid app such that applications have limited permissions. It’s worth noting that BOINC (the tech behind Boid) has been widely used since the late 90s with a perfect security track record due to a robust security architecture. We continue to roll out updates to make Boid even more secure and hacker-proof.

IMEOS: People will also want to know what Boid will use their device resource for, will be something contributing to the community?

John: Today, Boid can tap into existing distributed science projects. Common projects include finding cures for common types of cancer, cosmological and weather simulations, even neural networks for machine learning. In 2019, we will roll out additional distributed science projects through a service called Boid Swarm. The Boid Swarm service will make distributed computing accessible for scientists as an alternative to paying for computing resources with cloud providers or supercomputers. Additionally, users will be able to contribute computing resources towards Proof-of-Work mining and Proof-of-Storage protocols inside one easy interface.

IMEOS: Can you please introduce BOID token, what it can be used for? And the airdrop?

John: The BOID is a token on EOS that is currently being airdropped to genesis accounts at a 5:1 Ratio. You can also earn the token by running the app at app.boid.com. This token powers the Boid application. Users with BOID tokens will be able to gain access to advanced features on the platform, participate in the Boid DAC, and stake their tokens inside a Boid Supernode to help power the upcoming Boid sidechain network.

Users may find us on some exchanges in the future, but we can not promote users to invest or trade with the BOID token at this time. BOID is a utility token that powers the Boid DApp and in the future the Boid EOS sidechain. We encourage people to run the app and participate in our community to mine for BOID tokens instead of purchasing them.

Besides details answers of above questions, John also share with us the latest news about Boid:

This month we are running a competition for users who can invite the most people. When you invite someone with your invite link, you earn a small percentage of the earnings they generate, and you win a ticket in our random drawing for bonus tokens. Additionally, we offer 1000 free BOID tokens to the first 5000 registered users on the platform. This week, we will launch the Boid charity pool, where users can contribute their earnings towards stem cell research through our partnership with Texans for Cures.
http://www.texansforcures.org/about-us/ The Boid charity pool will have a leaderboard that features the top contributors. Exclusive bonuses and prizes will be allotted for users at the top of the charity pool leaderboard. We are also rolling out Boid Team functionality. Boid teams compete against other teams on the Boid leaderboards and team members can earn exclusive collectible blockchain assets.

IMEOS: We are honor to invite John to make this interview with us, and we wish the success of Boid to become a super DApp on EOSIO! IMEOS will keep bringing the community more constructive and interesting DApps information.

