Hanok -Korean traditional houses

3 min readApr 10, 2023


Hanok is a traditional Korean house that reflects the deep respect for the environment and the principles of feng shui, which aim to create balance and harmony between the natural and built environment. The design of hanok varies depending on the region and the social status of the owner, but they generally follow a similar layout and construction technique.

One of the most distinctive features of hanok is its wooden frame, which is made up of vertical pillars and horizontal beams that are connected using a system of joinery that does not require nails. This allows the house to flex and move slightly during earthquakes or other natural disasters, which is crucial in a country prone to seismic activity. The wooden frame is also highly durable, able to withstand the test of time and the elements.The roof of hanok is made of rice straw that is layered and woven together to create a highly durable and insulating surface. The thatched roof is not only eco-friendly, but it also regulates the temperature and humidity inside the house, keeping it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The roof’s slope is steep, which allows for easy drainage of rainwater and snow.

The layout of hanok is based on the principles of feng shui, which dictate that the house should face south to maximize exposure to natural light and warmth. The main entrance is typically located on the east side, while the back of the house faces north. The central courtyard is an essential part of hanok, serving as a gathering space for family and guests. It is often decorated with a small garden or water feature, which adds to the overall harmony and balance of the house.Inside the hanok, the main living area is the largest room and serves as a space for cooking, dining, and socializing. This room features a traditional Korean heating system called ondol, which circulates hot water through pipes beneath the floor to heat the room from below. This system is highly efficient, providing warmth throughout the entire space and reducing the amount of heat lost through the roof.

The sleeping quarters in hanok are typically located at the back of the house, away from the main living area. This provides privacy and a peaceful environment for sleeping and relaxation. The walls of the hanok are made of a mixture of clay, sand, and straw, which provides excellent insulation and regulates the temperature and humidity inside the house. The walls are then coated with a layer of white clay and polished to a smooth finish, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.Another essential part of hanok is the eaves, which overhang the roof and provide shade and protection from the elements. The eaves also play an important role in controlling the amount of natural light that enters the house, which is crucial in regulating the temperature and creating a comfortable environment.

In conclusion, hanok is a traditional Korean house that reflects the principles of feng shui and the deep respect for the environment. Its wooden frame, thatched roof, and traditional heating system make it eco-friendly and sustainable, while the layout and interior design aim to create balance and comfort. The use of natural materials and the attention to detail in its construction make hanok a cultural and architectural icon that has withstood the test of time. Even today, hanok continues to be an important part of Korean culture, and many people are choosing to live in or restore these traditional houses as a way of connecting with their heritage and promoting sustainable living.

By KJNOW-Journalistboard Pushpi Galappaththi

