Why You Shouldn’t Be Concerned About Growing Old

Mr. Guest
3 min readJul 26, 2022



One of the most widespread anxieties is that of aging. However, this expert explains why you should embrace the aging process.

Are you afraid of becoming old? Because fear can arise from a variety of stressors, it may be beneficial to identify exactly what is worrying you.

Perhaps you’re concerned that the 20-year-old junior associate will take your place? Believe me when I say that being an older employee can provide you an advantage. In the job, confidence and maturity go a long way.

All you need to do is maintain proving to yourself and others that you have the kind of experience that only comes from years on the job, and keep improving your abilities and changing along with your business or position.

The Appeal of Aging

Maybe you’re afraid that when you wake up, you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror. In today’s youth-obsessed culture, aging is increasingly associated with losing attractiveness, as well as affection and respect.

It is critical that you do not succumb to the surface aging concerns. Put your characteristics in a positive light by saying things like, “Those forehead lines are like tiger stripes; you’ve lived a good life and earned them!” You might even like your appearance more as you get older.

Friendships improve with age. Because you have more memories, your time with each other feels more important. No one will ever love you less, so remind yourself of that. The relationships that matter, the ones you strive hard to keep, will thrive.

Habits of Healthy Aging

Maybe you’re more concerned about losing your lucidity. True, some mental and physical deterioration is a natural part of the aging process; everyone goes through it.

The good news is that by taking care of yourself, you can increase your chances of having a healthy mind. This involves daily exercise, healthy diet, taking care of any health issues, getting lots of rest, learning new things, and remaining socially involved.

Perhaps you’re more worried about losing your lucidity. True, some mental and physical decline is part of the natural aging process everyone will go through it.

The good news is that you can improve your chances of maintaining a healthy mind by taking care of yourself. This includes exercising daily, eating well, taking care of any health problems, getting plenty of sleep, learning new things, and staying socially engaged.

When it comes to slowing down the effects of aging, what kind of exercise is recommended? According to research, endurance exercise such as running, swimming, or bicycling, as well as high intensity interval training (HIIT), both delayed indications of aging as compared to lifting weights at the cellular level.

However, if you’re looking after yourself on all fronts (exercising, eating healthily, and saving money for retirement), you’re already doing what you can to lead the greatest life possible over the long run.

It may sound cliche, but remember that with age comes wisdom, experience, a larger circle of loved ones, and greater comfort and assurance in your sense of self. Those are things to be excited about.

Gail Saltz, MD, a psychiatrist with a focus on sexuality, relationships, and health, is a television pundit in New York City.

