iOS Crash Symbolication

Humble iOS Developer
2 min readFeb 21, 2016


A simple script to make it even simpler.

99.9% of the time you’ll diagnose crashes looking at symbolicated outputs. Nevertheless, you’ll find yourself trying to decypher a plain crash log from time to time.

If you’ve done it, you know it’s simple. If not, don’t worry, it is simple.

There are about 400 ways to get there, but the simplest and most automated one is to use symbolicatecrash. This is a Pearl script burried in Xcode that will put together your crash, your debug symbols, and your app binary to convert addresses into human readable method to make your life simple.

But I made this little script to make it even simpler.

Wait a second...

“What’s the problem with symbolicatecrash when the only thing you need is to run: symbolicatecrash -v <.crash file> <.app/app binary> > <.crash output file>????

Well, nothing important, but…

  1. Where’s symbolicatecrash today?
    /Applications/ is difficult to remember, and tends to change from Xcode version to version.
  2. Binary vs .ipa?
    You probably have an .ipa ready to go, and that .app is just an unzip away. But why do it manually?
  3. What about the symbolication of multiple .crashes?
    Live is too short to not be a couch potato.

So, my script will make all that for you.


Just run this script on a folder with your .ipa, the corresponding .dSYM, and 1+ .crash files. It will check you are have everything, and will output symbolicated .crash files for you.




Humble iOS Developer

iOS developer eager to learn and share. @fbeeper’s alter ego.