Why is it beneficial to buy clothes in online stores for crypto?

4 min readJan 30, 2018


Because blockchain!

It should be immediately noted that we follow a particular case of purchases for crypto, although the situation can claim to be universal. This refers to cryptocurrency called Imigize tokens (IMGZ).

Utility tokens IMGZ have come into the market during Pre-Sale (http://www.imigize.io) on 15.01.2018 and in principle, they give the ability to buy clothes and shoes online with great benefit.

Briefly, about how it can be.

Imigize have created and implemented the first contactless 3D footwear and clothes fitting service in the world. This service gives the opportunity for the customer to know before-hand whether footwear and clothes bought online will fit or not. Now the size labels on a shoe box are not important. Selection is based on anthropometric indicators of a specific buyer.

This information will help sellers to save on the costs of non-fitting goods returns and associated overhead costs. The service boosts consumer traffic.

The service provides manufacturers with information for a rapid response to the market demands.

All major market players are interested in receiving information generated by the service: the size fitting degree and comfort data of bought clothes and shoes, the anthropometric data of customers (structured according to age, gender, ethnic, geographical factors), and finally, digital information about best-sellers.

Imigize integrates all the information in the blockchain and opens it for all market participants: customers, sellers, suppliers, manufacturers and other active participants in the footwear and clothes market.

The new community develops on basis of Imigize service: the Imigize Service Blockchain ecosystem that creates for everybody new rules. The participants interact through smart-contracts. Utility tokens Imigize (IMGZ) are the payment units for the service information.

Shops pay tokens for the information on customer’s size fittings. For shoes, for example, the payment for such information is one IMGZ token.

Manufacturers, suppliers, rating and consulting agencies, other participants pay tokens for the information data of Imigize that is particularly interesting for them during each time period. Stores, suppliers and manufacturers are the potential purchasers of IMGZ tokens.

For the end-buyers Imigize service is completely free.

They do it automatically, clicking on the fitting service widget at the store.

But customers also have the interest in buying IMGZ tokens. Why?

It is quite obvious that the end buyers will use the Contactless Fitting Service for online shopping because it is useful and free. It gives confidence to get the right size for the online purchases- footwear and clothing.

Customers demand for the Service will result in a constant demand for Imigize tokens from web-stores, as tokens are the payment unit for the Contactless Fitting Service.

We suppose that on a certain step it would be more advantageous for web stores to get Imigize tokens from token holders not for fiat but by directly exchanging them to their goods — shoes and clothes with a discount.

Thus, any Imigize token holder can purchase footwear and clothing with a substantial discount by exchanging his IMGZ tokens. This is the utility nature of Imigize tokens.

We invite all online shoppers to become Imigize token holders and at this early pre-Sale stage and receive a discount up to 45%.

With the development of the service, the number of customers and online stores will grow and so will the demand for tokens.

In accordance with the Road map chart, not less than one hundred of the world’s largest online stores will use the Imigize service with hundreds of millions of users. In four years we are planning to reach 500 million of people to be digitalized all over the world.

According to the statistics, the global online market in “the Shoes” segment is estimated at US$74,5 billion in 2017, and in the “Clothes” segment at US$317,9 billion.

The market of footwear online trade is developing, showing the natural annual growth of 11.7% According to the economists’ estimates, the market volume of online footwear stores by 2021 will be US$115,9 billion.

The market for the online trading of clothes shows similar dynamics of growth with an annual increase of 10.6% and by 2021 it will be US$475,5 billion.

Source: www.statista.com/outlook/250/100/shoes/worldwide www.statista.com/outlook/249/100/clothing/worldwide

The total number of clothes and shoes buyers also shows positive dynamics. In 2017 the number of buyers of shoes in online stores amounted to 16.6% of the total of online customers, and it is expected to reach 21.7% in 2021.

In the “Clothes” segment, there were 22.9% of customers, and it is expected to reach 30.1 in 2021.

We believe that Imigize service large-scale appearance on the world market will have a significant impact on these indicators.




IMIGIZE is a service that implements an idea of contactless shoe fitting and buying comfortable shoes on-line.