The Introvert’s Guide to Turning Passion into Profit — A personal story

Jin Park
Read or Die!
Published in
5 min readMay 16, 2024


Photo by Microsoft Edge on Unsplash

In early 2024, I found myself staring down the barrel of my 30s, wondering where all the magic had gone. You know, that magic you have as a kid when you believe you can be anything — an astronaut, a rockstar, a talking walrus. I’d always loved writing, scribbling stories in notebooks and devouring books like they were going out of style. But somewhere between adolescence and a grown-up job title, the spark had fizzled.

Sure, I’d had some success in my 20s, dabbling in entrepreneurship and even making a decent living as a business consultant. But after years of endless meetings, soul-sucking PowerPoints, and the occasional stint as a disgruntled waiter (don’t ask), the burnout was real. The magic had vanished, replaced by a dull ache of unfulfilled potential.

But then, a glimmer of hope appeared. A forgotten ember of passion rekindled within me, whispering promises of a different path. I started writing again, tentatively at first, but then with increasing fervor.

Words flowed onto the page, fueled by a desire to rediscover my voice, connect with others, and maybe, just maybe, rekindle that long-lost spark.

I wasn’t naive. I knew the path to a thriving online business wouldn’t be paved with unicorn tears and glitter.



Jin Park
Read or Die!

Top Writer at Hacker Noon | Entrepreneur & Mental Health Advocate | Founder of Seoul:Forge