That Hike That I Did That One Time

It was one for the books.

3 min readAug 9, 2024
Photo of Breakneck Ridge by your homegirl

A Chilly 2019 Day Full of Promise

I love a good hike! Depending on the mood I’m in and how much energy I have, sometimes I’ll pursue a gentle baby hike. Other times I crave a moderately challenging hike, especially if it promises sexy views at the top or a stunning waterfall somewhere. Then there are those times where it feels like I’ve snorted a little coke, and I’m ready to climb anything and everything(buildings, mountains, trees — if there’s a will there’s a way). But really what this is, is my insatiable desire to do things I’ve always wanted to do, even if I’m a little scared. As long as I’m being careful, I’m usually down for a fun challenge. I like to consider myself a cautious adrenaline junkie, haha.

It was late November in 2019, and I decided to hike a mountain called Breakneck Ridge. Whatever you’re imagining about this mountain based on its name is probably true, lol. I woke up that day feeling ready to take on the world. When I got there, I remember being both excited and nervous! I knew that this would be no ordinary hike because for the most part, the route I chose requires you to climb with your entire body. After hyping myself up, I decided to embark on what felt like an endless, steep, and rocky ascent to the top. I took my time, mainly because it was imperative, but also because I like to move slowly with most things in general.

Enter, the Badass Grandmas

So there I am climbing, climbing, climbing — taking breaks when needed and climbing again. Then, out of nowhere, I see these tiny elderly ladies zip by me. If a no-nonsense-attitude was a person, it was these badass ladies! “What were they on?”, one might wonder. Life! They were high on life. They had energy for days, and smiles warm enough to make you forget they were kicking your ass 😆. They were having fun and living their best lives. It was truly amazing to witness! This was probably the best part of the hike because they reminded me that anything is possible, and that you’re never “too old” to do whatever your heart desires. I continued climbing, taking breaks in-between to appreciate the surrounding views and look back at how far I’d come. Oooo, that sounds a lot like life in general. 😅

Photo by 🎶meeeeee🎶

At the Top, the Views Were Viewing

When I got to what seemed like the top(top 1 of many, I think), the views were beautiful. I could have kept going but I needed to turn around before it got dark. Even though the weather was giving cold winter vibes, there’s something dreamy, magical, and exhilarating about being so high up on a mountain that makes you forget your worries and sink into appreciation. At least for me. A time was truly had. I ended up making some friends on this hike because we were all supporting one another in safely getting to the top and back down. It was so lovely, and I’m grateful I got to experience it. I haven’t gotten a chance to go back since then, but I’m planning to go again very soon. Maybe there will be a part 2 to this article. We’ll see! :)

That hair weeeent plaaaaaces.

Thanks for stopping by,

Immaculate ❤

