3 Natural Antifungal Remedies for Skin

3 min readNov 1, 2022


What is a fungal infection?

A fungal infection, also called “fungal skin infection” or “dermatophytosis”, is a condition where the skin becomes infected by fungi. Fungi are microscopic organisms that grow on plants and the dead tissues of animals and humans. When they infect humans, they usually cause skin infections.

How does it develop?

Fungal infections develop when fungi invade your body through open wounds or damaged skin. The fungi enter through small cuts, scratches or sores in your skin. Some people have weak immune systems which make them more vulnerable to fungal infections than others. People who take medications that suppress their immune system are also at risk for developing fungal infections because their bodies can’t fight off any foreign invaders very well anymore (such as cancer patients who get chemotherapy).

There are many different ways to treat fungal infections on your skin, but if you’re looking for a Natural Antifungal Remedies for Skin that are often prescribed, here are some options:

1. Drip IV Therapies

Drip IVs are a great way to get rid of your fungal infection. They involve having an intravenous drip put into your arm, which then delivers medication directly into your bloodstream. Drip IV Therapies is a fast, effective, and very safe. The only downside is that you’ll need to make sure you have access to a hospital or clinic with this service available before trying it out.

2. Bemer Therapy

Bemer therapy is another good option for getting rid of your fungal infection quickly and safely — although it requires wearing a special device around your neck or wrist while you sleep at night while it delivers medication through electromagnetic pulses throughout the night (which can sometimes be uncomfortable). Bemer therapy method is also not always covered by insurance plans so make sure that you check with your provider before trying it out!

3. The Hormone Fix

The hormone fix: Your body has an internal balance of hormones called homeostasis, which helps regulate your metabolism, sleep patterns, immune system response and moods. If this gets thrown off because of an imbalance in hormones such as estrogen or progesterone levels then you may experience symptoms such as fatigue and depression which can lead to skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and acne breakouts as well as other types of infections including yeast infections which are caused by Candida albicans yeast strains when they grow out of control due to hormonal imbalances in your system causing certain genes to mutate into rogue cells producing.


So, what are you waiting for? All of these treatments are readily available and are surprisingly affordable when compared to the cost of other medical procedures. if you or someone you know suffers from a fungal infection and want to know more about the these treatment, contact Immanence Health Centre for chronic illness now!




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