Know how to avert the refusal of Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa

Immigration Lawyers London
2 min readSep 26, 2016


The learning comes from the past, and if we dig down the past, we will come across many incidences where the Entrepreneur from across the world have been denied Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa. Visa was launched in 2008 and has been one of the most important gates for entrepreneurs across the world to the UK. With an aim to boost the UK economy by encouraging the best from across the world to join the diverse and vibrant economy of the UK. Initially, the scheme has achieved great success both economically and culturally.

However, for past few years the Home Office, UK, has come across the abuse of this programme. During all these years the immigration department has found that the entrepreneur route is being used by applicants to abuse the immigration rules. And this has increased the refusal rate of the entrepreneur visa. So it becomes imperative for the candidates to be well informed and prepared for the process.

Solid Business Plan — A mandatory requirement

As of 06th April 2015, it’s been compulsory for the applicants to submit a solid business plan along with their application form. And the Secretary of State may consider certain factors to check whether the applicant is a genuine one or not. The procedure includes checking the credibility and viability of the business plan and the market research that applicant has performed in the chosen business sector. The past abuse has compelled the Home Office to examine the business plan of an applicant thoroughly.

Rational Immigration History

The applicants may be called and questioned by the UK Border Agency on their immigration history. It is always advisable not to provide false information to the agency; it may have future implications apart from the current refusal of the application. The immigration history of the applicant is checked by both Border Agency and the Home Office.

Adequately maintained investment and maintenance funds

The applicant is required to produce the testimonials before Home Office that they can support themselves and their dependants in the UK while they are investing or starting their business. The funds should be solely kept for the business purposes only. And £200,000, required for starting a business should not be used for maintenance purpose. Most of the applicants make a mistake in adherence to the rule, it’s just because they are not consulting the Tier 1 entrepreneur visa lawyers.

Funds should have a credible source

If the investment capital of the applicant has been in the bank account for a period less than 90 days, in all such cases the Home Office may ask for the source of the capital. In this case, the applicant has to provide all the testimonies that can vouch for the source of the funds held in their bank account. And if the applicant failed to provide the required testimonials their application may be rejected for the reason of illegitimate source of funds.

The chances of rejection can be mitigated or averted with proper preparation. The applicants should consult the best Immigration lawyers before filing their application.

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