I happen to identify as Terran. And apparently Terrans find this very offensive.

William Vincent Carleton
2 min readSep 23, 2021

Hi. My name is Jonathan Hartt. Some would say I was born on Terra. Others would argue that I come from Wolf 1061. Anyway, Terra is a planet that resides in a habitable zone powered by the Solar Sun, and in comparison to most off-world colonies, it is quite free.

Free in that off-worlders do not have jurisdiction, and there is a reason for it. For Terra is the only location in the Known where love is believed to exist. Its origins are traced back to this place, which makes interference with Terra by off-worlders, a big no-no.

So while Terrans have all of this freedom to generate love, and send it out to the cosmos, it seems this is not enough for Terrans. Nowadays, Terrans wish to be called more things than just Terran, as if umbrella-brands of Terrans are more important than the real thing.

Truth be told, I’ve visited Capital Mall Titan, and Capital Mall Venus, and the mining colonies on Enceladus, and I’ve even taken a ride through the Hexagonal Storm of Saturn, and nothing compares to the love felt on Terra. But it can be so much more. I’ve asked the folks like the Pecuari on Terra if they have ever experienced love from the source, and they say Fuck no. and to Leave us the fuck alone. They’ve even called me a bigot and a criminal, because I identify as Terran. I’ve tried to explain to the Serpentine Pecuari that Terrans have a really good thing going with love, and that if they only concentrated a little harder on amplifying the frequency of 528 hertz, it would have a major impact on intelligent off-world life.

Seems like the message of love is falling on deaf ears.

Oh well. One can always find solace on Psyche 16. I hear it’s very rich with gold deposits. So much that you can literally grab ounces of it right off the surface.

