World’s largest iPhone factory in Zhengzhou ramps up hiring as Foxconn chairman reassures on China supply chain

The world’s largest iPhone factory in Zhengzhou, China, has ramped up hiring in recent weeks, as Foxconn chairman Liu Young-way reassured investors about the company’s commitment to the Chinese supply chain.

The factory, which is owned by Foxconn and employs over 200,000 people, is responsible for manufacturing a significant portion of the world’s iPhones. In recent months, there have been concerns that the factory could be forced to move production out of China due to rising labor costs and the ongoing trade war between the US and China.

However, Liu’s comments appear to have allayed those concerns. In an interview with Bloomberg, Liu said that Foxconn is “committed to China” and that the company has no plans to move production out of the country. He also said that the company is “confident” in the Chinese supply chain.

The hiring spree at the Zhengzhou factory is a sign that Foxconn is gearing up for a busy production schedule in the coming months. The company is expected to start manufacturing the iPhone 15 in the second half of 2023, and it is also reportedly planning to launch a new line of iPads and MacBooks.

The hiring spree is also a sign that Foxconn is confident in the demand for iPhones and other Apple products. Despite the ongoing trade war and rising labor costs, the Chinese market remains a key growth driver for Apple. In the first quarter of 2023, Apple’s revenue from Greater China grew by 18% year-over-year.

The hiring spree at the Zhengzhou factory is a positive sign for the Chinese economy. It shows that Foxconn is still committed to investing in China, and it also suggests that the Chinese supply chain is still resilient.

In addition to the hiring spree, Foxconn is also investing in new technology to improve the efficiency of its production lines. The company is reportedly investing in robots and other automation equipment to reduce the need for manual labor.

The combination of hiring and investment is a sign that Foxconn is preparing for the future. The company is confident that the Chinese market will continue to grow, and it is taking steps to ensure that it is well-positioned to meet the demand.



Nadeem ul Hasan some time I write by nice wise too

I am Nadeemul Hasan is a professional writer who has been writing since 2002 . I have studied English literature at the University of Karachi.