Why and How zk-SNARK Works 8: Zero-Knowledge ComputationThis is a series of articles, read part 7.Apr 25, 20191Apr 25, 20191
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 7: Constraints and Public InputsThis is a series of articles, read part 6.Apr 23, 2019Apr 23, 2019
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 6: Verifiable Computation ProtocolWe went through many important modifications of the knowledge of polynomial protocol to make it general-purpose, so let us see how it is…Apr 19, 20193Apr 19, 20193
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 5: Variable PolynomialsWith the multi-operation polynomials approach introduced in part 4, we can prove many operations at once (e.g., millions and more), but…Apr 16, 20196Apr 16, 20196
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 4: General-Purpose ComputationWe have paved our way with a simple yet sufficient example involving most of the zk-SNARK machinery, and it is now possible to advance the…Apr 11, 20192Apr 11, 20192
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 3: Non-interactivity & Distributed SetupTill this point, we had an interactive zero-knowledge scheme. Why is that the case? Because the proof is only valid for the original…Apr 9, 20191Apr 9, 20191
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 2: Proving Knowledge of a PolynomialWe start with a problem of proving the knowledge of a polynomial and make our way to a generic approach. We will discover many other…Apr 8, 201912Apr 8, 201912
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 1: Introduction & the Medium of a ProofDespite the existence of multiple great resources on zk-SNARK construction, from original papers [Bit+11; Par+13] to explainers [Rei16…Mar 20, 20196Mar 20, 20196
Game-changing Year for Private BlockchainsA private blockchain is a great way to achieve consensus between independent companies on transactions they do between each other. It…Jan 3, 2018Jan 3, 2018
First Title Deed Registration at EntEthIt was a great and surprisingly very welcoming experience to demo first ever Title Deed registration on the Quorum blockchain. Other…Mar 1, 2017Mar 1, 2017