Hybrid Unmanned Vehicles

Ja'Rell Felix
3 min readNov 21, 2023

Unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs) are used in a multitude of applications for military, research, and/or civil purposes (Yao et al., 2023). The missions that UAVs are used for involve intelligence gathering, stealth, defense, and attack missions for the military, and search and rescue, sampling, monitoring, and mapping missions for civil applications (Yao et al., 2023). Though UAVs can perform a plethora of mission types, especially those considered to be arduous by nature for humans, there exist certain limitations that prevent the UAVs from being fully applicable for missions that require perspective and execution from multiple fronts (Zha et al., 2019).

Current UAVs lack adaptability in certain environments which obstructs their performance, efficiency, and operational range, decreasing their reliability overall. There has been a wave of technological developments applied to UAVs to make them more efficient and powerful, as a result, the idea of hybrid UAVs that can travel and complete missions in multiple environments, thereby, increasing their performance, efficiency, operational range, and adaptability, has surfaced (Zha et al., 2019). Mission parameters may require multiple UAVs for completion or one that is able to execute the mission in its entirety, due to the integration of multiple vehicle features (Crouse, 2010). While it is an option to introduce multiple UAVs into an operation, which has it benefits, it is far more efficient and reliable to develop a hybrid, since multiple UAVs will increase mission complexity. As technological and societal enhancements continue, and the tasks grow ever-more demanding, the need for hybrid vehicles grows too, which is why developing a UAV such as Aerobian is crucial (Yao et al., 2023).

​ The purpose of this project is to develop Aerobian, the hybrid UAV capable of both aerial and aquatic maneuverability. The main goals of Aerobian are to enable the UAV with the mechanical capability of switching from aerial to aquatic modes at the will and execute missions in any water or air-based setting. Aerobian will become the future of the drone industry as it will allow for more missions to be completed at higher efficiencies and speeds.

Stay tuned to see what exactly is Aerobian and why it is the future.


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Ja'Rell Felix

I have visions that I plan to bring to reality, and will everything in my power to do so. The only way to can change the world is to bring my visions to life.