Part 2— Unique JavaScript Notes by Sivaganesh Panditi

Sivaganesh Panditi
1 min readApr 6, 2024

Javascript has some different operators and datatypes when compared with other programming languages

Let’s dive into them


+ for addition

- for substraction

* for multiplication

/ for division

++ for increment

— for decrement

== for comparing value

=== for comparing value with type

&& for and

|| for or

> for greater than

< for lessthan

typeof says type of variable

instanceof gives true/false by comparing instance for Object/Array/Date

and some more bitwise operators

Above operators we all know. But Java script have one more. It is

** is an exponential operator which equals to Math.pow(x,2);

eg: 5**2 values 25

&&= says if first value is true then second value will be assigned

let x=1;

x&&=2 values 2

let x=0; // which represents false

x&&=2 values 0

||= says if first value is false then second value will be assigned

let x=1;

x||=2 values 1

let x=0; // which represents false

x&&=2 values 2

??= says if first value is Null or undefined then second value will be assigned

let x;

x||=2 values 2


String, Number (all are 64-bit floating points), Bigint (to hold higher values), Boolean, Undefined, Null, Object, Symbol

Object again classified as Object, Array, and date


const person={name: ‘siva’, mobile: ‘1234567890’ }; //Object declaration

const cars=[“Tata”, “Toyota”]; //Array declaration

const dt=new Date(“2024–04–07”); // Date declaration

const bigNum= new BigInt(“12345678946679964461251133321555”); // Bigint declaration

Click here for part 3

