Imperium Empires Development Blog — February 2022

Imperium Empires
4 min readMar 15, 2022


February has been a huge month for us. Although we have faced many challenges, we have successfully launched our NFT sales and learned a lot from the valuable feedback from our beloved community.

To improve the transparency of our development, we have decided to start a monthly development blog to offer clarity for our community to know our pace of development. In the dev blog, we also summarize information spread across AMAs and responses on discord/telegram, so community members who missed these details will be able to catch up with our project development.

NFT Sale and NFT Marketplace

NFT Sale

We have received overwhelming response for our initial NFT sale. During the launch day, we had more than 5000 unique users logged in live on our site across the world banging and waiting to mint. Initial pre-approvals were more than 80% of supply even with hard restrictions placed on wallets. Our efforts to focus on South-East Asia has paid off as more than 50% of traffic comes from the Philippines, followed by Turkey and Japan. We noticed as well that people spend at least 7 minutes in our site browsing, mostly looking at their newly-minted spaceships.

All Aurostars, Strekzans and Augears have been sold out and around 99% of Scooties have been sold. During the public sale, all Strekzans were sold out in less than 30 minutes and Aurostar in even 1 minute! We received lots of feedback from our community about the NFT sale and we would like to thank all of our supporters participating in the sale!

Hiccups — revamping NFT sale into a smart-contract based sale

We faced some issues with our initial Aurostars and Augears sales as a result of the backend architecture design. We opted for a server based sale when we first designed our NFT sale backend architecture since we originally planned to offer multiple payment options other than IME, where the spaceship prices are live prices with respect to the real time prices of each payment option. But since there were no on-chain price oracles of IME, conducting a smart-contract based sale was impracticable.

After listening to the feedback of our community, we changed the sale mechanisms of our NFT to be priced in IME and payable in IME only. Although we could have switched the sale mechanism into a smart contract based one before the initial NFT sale, it was risky for us to make drastic changes due to time constraints.

After we encountered issues with the initial sale, we have revamped our NFT sale into a smart-contract based with the help of our new Chief Blockchain Architect Tony (who’s an experienced full stack and solidity developer).

NFT Marketplace and Inventory update

We are also working on our NFT marketplace which will be launched soon. We want to ensure everything is working correctly before release. Alongside with the marketplace, we’re also updating the Inventory page by adding filters and sorting functions to help users manage their ships.

Inventory Page Update Preview

Game Development

MMO Game Multiplayer Synchronization
We are now testing synchronizing all players together and this is the most challenging part of an MMO game development.

Since Imperium Empires is a real-time MMO game, our backend game servers have to calculate movements and actions of all players in real time and make sure latency is reduced to a satisfactory level. Unlike single player games or turn-based multiplayer games, low latency is extremely important in Imperium Empires to ensure a smooth and steady gaming experience.

Guild Buildings and Structures Economy Development
We want to emphasize team-to-earn where guilds are closely tied with our gameplay and game economy. There will be more than 10 types of structures in our game alpha testing available in Q2 for guilds to choose and build.

We are also developing the Guild Technology Tree. Each structure would have several levels of upgrade available for guilds. The upgrades will make structures more powerful and players can generate more revenue from the structures. For example, guilds can upgrade their refineries. The upgraded refineries have higher efficiencies and conversion rates.

Seasonal Tournament Mechanism
We are also working on the design of the seasonal tournament mechanisms. For each season, there will be new seasonal combat zones and war zones for players to enter and compete. Guilds capture and conquer subdivided areas called Zectors in seasonal zones to gain scores. At the end of each season, top guilds on the leaderboard will be awarded with IME.

Early Game Demo Development

Imperium Empires — Official Alpha (Q2) Footage

The registration for the pre-alpha game demo will start next week. Please stay tuned for more details.

The early game demo has been substantially completed. You might have already seen what our ship hanger looks like — where players can preview and select their spaceship fleets. We’re currently finalizing the Space Combat Control System.

We delivered and learned a lot in February, and are on track in delivering against our roadmap. Once again, we thank everyone for their continued support in Imperium Empires.

About Imperium Empires

Building on the Avalanche Blockchain, Imperium Empires is the world’s first AAA GameFi 2.0 space metaverse that features deflationary tokenomics and seamlessly integrates DeFi by gamifying it, making DeFi accessible to 3 billion gamers over the world. The Imperium metaverse features a wide variety of PvE and PvP gameplay, where players team-to-earn by joining a guild of friends to conquer the metaverse and build their empires.

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