Ship Stats and Rarities Explained — Prepare for the Genesis NFT Sale #1

Imperium Empires
3 min readFeb 7, 2022

Spaceships in the Imperium Metaverse have various stats. The most important stats are Health, Speed, Turn Rate and Cargo Capacity. These four stats directly affect your ship’s ability in the game in the following respect:

  • Health is the durability of your ship, when a ship runs out of health it would be destroyed or temporarily disabled, depending on which zone your ship locates.
  • Speed determines how fast a ship can travel in one direction.
  • Turn Rate determines how quick a ship can change its direction.
  • Cargo Capacity determines how much cargo can a ship hold.

Stats Level

These 4 stats are shown in level 1–10. The higher the number, the better your ship is. For each ship, the level of each stat is fixed (i.e. every galaxy scootie has the same default health, speed, turn rate and cargo capacity).

Stats Strength

Strength is what makes your ship stats unique. In addition to the stats level, each ship’s Health/Speed/Turn Rate/Capacity has 5 levels of strengths that make the respective stats more powerful, namely SSS, SS, S, A and B. SSS is the most powerful and rare strength, whereas B is the most common and least powerful strength. The strength of each stat will be determined randomly at the time of mint. You can always check the stats strength of your ship in your Inventory page.

For example, the Speed level of every Galaxy Scootie is 10. If you are lucky and get a SSS Speed Strength for your Scootie, you would see “Speed: Level 10(SSS)”. That means your ship is fastest among all Galaxy Scooties.


There are 9 categories of rarities — Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare, Supreme, Epic, Mythic, Legendary and Colossal (Common is the least rare, whereas Colossal is the rarest). As a general rule, the rarer a ship is, the more powerful it is.

Other Parameters

Besides from the four stats mentioned above, there are other parameters that affect your ships.

- Class means what purpose the ship is designed for, so it affects the customisation options that you have for the ship.

- Ship Size ranges from 1 to 4. You can imagine a size 1 ship is similar in size as a large motorcycle in the real world, where a size 4 ship is similar in size as the world’s largest cruise liner.

- Length is an in-game unit and another parameter for you to compare ship sizes in the game. By comparing the length of two ships you can figure out how large they would look in game.

- Character Slot is the total number of faction characters that can be part of the ships crew and power-up the ships.

- Base Power shows the overall strength of the ship. Usually, a ship with higher base power is more powerful.

About Imperium Empires

Building on the Avalanche Blockchain, Imperium Empires is the world’s first AAA GameFi 2.0 space metaverse that features deflationary tokenomics and seamlessly integrates DeFi by gamifying it, making DeFi accessible to 3 billion gamers over the world. The Imperium metaverse features a wide variety of PvE and PvP gameplay, where players team-to-earn by joining a guild of friends to conquer the metaverse and build their empires.

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