Aj’a Yada, Dynasty Strategist, Reveals How to Balance the Business of Motherhood

4 min readDec 22, 2023


Aj’a Yada is the founder and leader of Dynasty Strategy & Doula Services, which provides assistance for birthing families; life/wellness coaching for clients to heal internally before they begin building their dynasties; and Sisterhood Membership, whose retreats and events create a supportive community. At the center of her services is her ultimate goal: to empower her clients to achieve generational wealth and health. Aj’a is also the Co-Founder of The World’s Rejuvenation and wife of its Founder and CEO, Minister Yahdan Yada Awakening.

Below, Aj’a talks about why today’s mothers do not have to choose between building an empire and nurturing a family. They truly can have it all.

Depending on who you listen to, women have only two viable options as adults: they can either raise a family, or they can have a career. They cannot have both. They are, in fact, viewed as being selfish, or at least unrealistic, for wanting to have children and satisfy their ambition at the same time. Critics say that kids who grow up with both parents working are less likely to thrive and be happy. According to them, women must choose to stay home and let go of their business dreams.

I could not disagree more. To be clear, as a wife and mother, I fully support my friends and peers who have chosen to be stay-at-home moms. They made the right decision for themselves and their families, and they are content. They have wonderful relationships with their spouses and children, and it makes me smile to see their happiness.

It also breaks my heart to see kids who raise themselves. Their parents are so consumed by their careers that their children come home from school to an empty house. They eat alone at the kitchen table. When their parents are home, they are preoccupied with work issues and are unapproachable. No one denies that this is detrimental to both the family itself and the children.

However, as women, we must understand that there is a third option: we can balance motherhood with business and see our families’ health and wellness thrive. It does not have to be either one outcome or the other. We just need to change our mindsets about what it means to be an entrepreneur and build our empires.

Let’s put you, the mom, at the center of your family, with your kids standing in front of you. Who do they see? What is your ultimate role? First and foremost, more than being the one who holds back their hair when they get sick or picks up dirty socks in the living room, you are something incredible — you are their mentor. You are their inspiration and example of what women can do in this world. Believe it or not, they really are watching you and learning from what you do. So, imagine that they see you building your company and making it successful. They see you persevering no matter how difficult the road gets. That’s powerful, and believe me, it will make a strong impression on them.

Second, have you ever realized that creating your empire is actually the ultimate expression of your love for your family? You are looking into your children’s future and building a financial path for them that will be there long after you pass away. You are prioritizing their generational wealth and health, and that is a tremendous gift for them. You already know that you cannot spare them all of life’s inevitable troubles, and really, you wouldn’t want to. You are, however, clearing the way for them to thrive, and they will be deeply appreciative.

The mistake we sometimes make is we think that business is soulless when it is anything but. We forget that the aim of our company is not to “make money” but instead to create security for our grandchildren and their own children. When we remember our real purpose for our companies, our outlooks change. We realize that we can weave our love into every business decision we make. Our children become part of our companies instead of spectators who are lost in the everyday rush to get things done. Our families’ bonds actually deepen, and that leads to the success of our companies.

Last, we must remember to take care of ourselves. Our families and businesses demand much of us, and our ability to take care of them makes us incredible. But, we will burn out and fall short of our dreams if we do not cultivate our emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness. We cannot give endlessly without replenishing our own wells. By healing ourselves of our own pain, stress, and insecurities, we can rise above our perceived limits and become who we were always meant to be: amazing.

So, as you consider whether to raise your family or build an empire, remember that you have a third option. You can do both. With careful planning, a clear vision, and a commitment to love and wellness, you can become one of the many remarkable women who are surpassing their limitations and discovering their own power as both a mother and the builder of a dynasty that lasts for generations.

To learn more about Aj’a Yada, including how to heal from emotional pain that hinders your dreams, find a supportive sisterhood, and create a long-lasting family empire, please visit www.ajayada.com.

